Zodiac Killer and D.B. Cooper were based out of Grand Rapids, Michigan's Bethany Christian Services
Updated: Apr 18, 2023
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* I have a tested I.Q. of 181. In 1983, at age thirteen I was tested. I was told that my intelligence is ranked in the top 10% of tested intelligence in the world. Universities should study this information:
*The American Congress has approved zero dollars for the physical defense of me and all the victims. Yet- Congress gives billions in financial aid to Israel and Asian countries-such as Thailand, why? Would George Washington give billions to foreign presidents and forget the American people's importance? Where did the American government go wrong? I never voted to giveaway billions- nor did the American people. Democracy?
Since 2002, FBI agents have told me to my face and over the phone- that any felony crime personally committed against me would never be solved or brought to trial.
*Dutch Mark Rutte, head of NATO, knows everything since 2024. The Dutch Jews + German Jews are very active displacing, torturing and murdering purebred Dutch and German Gentiles- for centuries- with the criminal aid of Americans and Israelis. Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker work for an enterprising Jewish network. FBI Director Christopher Asher (Jew) Wray scapegoated the Golden State Killer case, read the opening scandal:
FBI Director Christopher Wray says he'll resign as Donald Trump takes office
I feel a moral obligation to bring forth this information to the unassuming general public. I will keep this website of information up until the crimes are solved- not scapegoated- not just reported by the media, but actually solved.
Janice Hooker, goes by Melody Stager, an associate of Cindy Appel. Cameron Hooker received 106 years in a California jail for kidnaping and torturing Gentiles with Janice. Janice is active in Georgia USA along with Julie and Richard John Besiedecki (2022> Dark Buick Enclave/New/Georgia Plates #RXV 6727). Janice's criminal associate since the 1970s> Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel is a Jew by DNA on her maternal side (Vander Molen-Dutch Jews), not religion, and believes that Jesus was a Jew and only the Jews matter on this planet and that eventually all people who do not have Jewish DNA will perish and the earthly kingdoms and governments will all be given to the Jews- people of Jewish DNA. Cindy told me in the 1970s that she murders Gentiles with a network of others, and that Jews and Christians that believe as she does allow for the murders to occur and no one in their group is charged.
Judaism is a genetic cult that often uses willing Christian participants. Judaism is goal-oriented, with a goal of becoming the only race on earth, with no race against the Jews. Cindy told me in the 1980s, that the Jews use DNA labs to target and murder Gentiles.
Supporters with warped ideologies of the cause keep their associates in crimes and conspiracy of crimes from prosecution, so that they can target and murder in the name of a Jewish-Christian God. Cindy told me that a network of Jews keep her out of jail. The hidden truth is not the relevant status quo.
Then there is the China factor- the Communist Chinese government owns and operates the world's largest human-trafficking organization> Bethany Christian Homes/Services, an adoption agency, a front company for China.
Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel- told me that her and Janice Hooker in the 1970s and 1980s (with a group) were being paid $10,000 per baby brought to BCS for adoption. Cindy was very active in the 1960s- one baby a week! Most infants they kidnapped- the FBI looked the other way- due to the contract Israel signed with China. Det. Ron Garvick, a cold case detective for the Sacramento District Attorney's office told me in 2019, that China operates California. Paul Holes believes that Richard Craig Vander Ark will never be apprehended. China has many front companies- including McKinley Homes in Peachtree Corners, GA. Sounds Southern? It is a Chinese real estate company that takes fraudulent Chinese money to convert to American dollars to buy up real estate. I worked there one month- and learned dirty secrets.
Lori "Cleopatra" Vander Ark-DeBartolo
I want my death certificate marked "Stillborn" due to drugs given during labor that was issued in the Netherlands by Dutch Jews operating hospitals and governments to be re-examined. A common abduction practice in the circulation of how infants are obtained from around the globe. Cindy Appel informed me- Tikkun Olam has murdered over 73 million Gentiles with the aiding and abetting of many Jews in USA Gov't. The FBI is refusing to arrest Cindy Appel and her biological sons for their murder sprees, murdering for Jews to eradicate Gentiles, igniting WWIII in 2022 when Janice Hooker, a business associate of Cindy Appel was found trespassing on my property- GA 2022 plates: RXV 6721. The Jews (Jews through DNA) operating police stations in Georgia (USA) and California and Michigan, including the GBI and FBI- all refuse to arrest and apprehend Janice Hooker because she is a Jew through Jewish DNA. Igniting WWIII. I am not for Israel. I am not Palestine. I am for peace.
Amazon link to my books of knowledge for purchase:
Cynthia Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel is my adopted mother. Cindy Appel is of Jewish lineage on her maternal side of the family. My abduction-to-adoption conducted by Cindy working as an unlicensed social worker, an unlicensed R.N., kidnapping infants and children, selling non-Jews to Bethany Services to then process the paperwork through Ottawa and Kent County Michigan probate courts is routine illegal business as if it was legal, conducted by uncaught Jewish lineage criminals that operate in all parts of the world, including West Michigan courts and homes> with the kidnapped prey brought to West Michigan. Each and Every Michigan governor signs paperwork to make the abduction-to- adoption cycles continue according to Jacob Sparks and Jeremy Baum (both men are Jews by DNA/race, not religion, and both are Ottawa County Michigan Sheriff's detectives-Baum was promoted to Lieutenant in West Michigan- a massive network of human trafficking conducted by Jewish authority living among and governing over the people). Cindy Appel told me that she abducted Lisa Pare in 1969 while on vacation in Acapulco, Mexico, a paid trip by Bethany Services. Acapulco is where Lisa was transported to, and from Acapulco Cindy and Chuck Vander Ark (Now: Cindy Appel) brought Lisa across the border to America and then West Michigan homes-and-courts network of Bethany Christian Homes. A system of preying upon victims that is anything BUT Christian, it is operated by China and Israeli and USA governments- for stem cell research, human organs sold, and kidnapped humans sold hourly-the American Government at all levels aids and abets the crimes. I was abducted from the Netherlands- marked "stillborn" and then brought to Grand Central of European abductions- the Dutch Antilles Islands where an American cruise ship brought Cindy and Chuck back to a Florida port city. Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark spent 3 weeks detained in a Florida jail for not having any paperwork on me- the stolen infant. Jews in Miami operate continuous abductions-to-adoptions for Bethany in West Michigan. Bethany (the company) has a whole network of underground railroad stops where the victims are brought into captivity, sexual slavery, where CIA and FBI prey on the kidnapped victims, such as predator CIA David Petraeus. So many government officials involved with the crimes against infants, children and adult prey that the abduction-to-adoptions became commonplace, a large wheel of operations to this very day for the Jewish-American Governments worldwide, the criminals go free to continue kidnapping for the Jewish network at Bethany Services and the demanding and paying clientele lodged in authority. Cindy told me since the 1970s that she/Cindy has been kidnapping and murdering with her biological sons and Janice Hooker since 1975- beginning with Yosemite, 1976 Chowchilla children kidnapped-Cindy was going to sell the children to Bethany Services, Ric and Dave, Cindy's sons were the gunman by the Chowchilla school bus-details they spoke about at the dinner table in Jenison, Michigan, Mr. Cline/the Zodiac Killer/an FBI agent from Kent Co. Michigan assisted in the mastermind of the Chowchilla 1976 ordeal to sell the school children to Bethany Services- West Michigan law enforcement criminals were waiting for the shipment of cargo to arrive in Ottawa County, Michigan in 1976-but the children escaped capture before the children could be sold. It is a common practice of Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker to keep young children locked up and drugged in a dark room for a long period of time in order for the predators and master kidnappers Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker to break and brainwash a victim. Cindy brags that she would order a real, genuine on-duty uniformed police officer and FBI agent to enter the room to then talk with the victim and let the victim know there is no escape before being sold- only death. Cindy Appel informed me that Janice Hooker and Rick and Julie Biesiadecki utilize those same tactics long-used by Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker. Tactics used by them in Northern California, Southern California, Idaho- along the Snake River- and just about every state in America and up into Canada, Cindy and her sons and Janice Hooker (all Jews by DNA/race, but not religion) commit kidnappings and murders. Cindy brags to this very day that Jewish Detectives (Jews by DNA/Race- not religion) in West Michigan and Indiana and Texas keep Tikkun Olam out of jail and inquires from police stations across America and foreign countries at bay. But who is a Jew and who is not? Administer DNA warrants.
I strongly suggest that Israel removes one of their own- the Jew King Willem Alexander from the Netherlands. Deport him and all Jews to Israel. Holland under Jewish rule through King Willem Alexander's biological Jew father's terrorist organization referred to as Tikkun Olam-will end. King Willem Alexander's biological father is not Claus Von Amsberg. A secret in the governments.
In February of 2020, Mr. Carter Gent of WoodTV channel 8 News in Grand Rapids, Michigan, informed me that journalist Christine Romans of NBC is my half-sister. Carter Gent is the executive producer of NBC News in West Michigan. Carter Gent stated to me that a DNA test revealed that Christine Romans and I share the same mother- Beatrix of the Netherlands, but Christine Romans has a Jewish biological father and I have a German father- Claus Von Amsberg. Carter Gent informed me that if Willem Alexander is "found out" defrauding the Dutch people, Christine Romans is prepared to step in to continue for her Jewish father- whom resides in Israel- the same father as Willem Alexander and his 2 Jewish brothers. Carter Gent informed me in 2020 that research indicates that Beatrix is not a victim, but a willing participant to the continued actions of extinction of the Dutch people, and The Hague knows all about Beatrix's involvement to extinct the Dutch and give a place for Jews-her land.
Carter Gent told me that China will never allow "negative news reflected on Cindy Honderd-Appel."
Rick & Julie Biesiadecki, even on a holiday, July 4th, 2024, continue to contact and harass me on July Fourth, numerous times!!! for posting all of this information. Rick and Julie Biesiadecki contacted my residence twice on July 4th, 5th, and 6th, 2024, in the AM hours with threats, harassment, informing me that a bunch of people want me dead, in jail or a mental hospital for exposing this info. Over 6 threats in 3 days from Rick and Julie Biesiadecki. The GBI should investigate. Furthermore, Rick and Julie Biesiadecki continue to give me threats- directly- and through third parties to remove all of this information. In 1992, 1993, 1994, for 3 years Rick Biesiadecki would sit periodically in my section and nurse a cola between 7pm and 10pm, asking me out- at The Gold Club and The Beer Mug in Atlanta- I refused - and then he drove up at my apartment parking lot- blocking me with a van as I left for work. In 1998, a psychic told me I would become a household name by the age 58. The psychic told me that I would expose corruption- shocking corruption and be compared to Erin Brockovich, in the large-scale exposures.
** Since 1990 I have sought to locate law firms that handle human rights violations in America and the Netherlands., including the ministry of foreign affairs, and prime ministers. Each attorney that handles human rights violations in America and the Netherlands has made it very clear to me that their government does not allow lawsuits filed against adoption agencies, such as Bethany Christian Services. How can an adoption agency owned by Communist China and a fascist Jewish organization have so much power over law firms, governments, and the lives of so many victims that have no voice at the time of being abducted, and the biological parent or parents have their rights severed and infant gone- because those in control want certain races of people eliminated- their rights and populations- just wiped out? How can this be? Not one lawsuit filed against Bethany adoptions- for the millions of humans gone- first displaced, then abused by those controlling the fate of others. Why do the Jews and China fear Russians, Germans, Polish and the Dutch? To the point of silently murdering non-Jews and non-supporters of Jewish values since the early 1900s, and keep this all secret?
**I want the truth disclosed. I want King Willem Alexander arrested for what him and his Biological Jewish father have been involved with- the criminal disappearances of many Dutch, German and Polish and Russian infants sold to Bethany Christian Services. Claus Von Amsberg is NOT King Willem Alexander's biological father. Claus Von Amsberg is my biological father and Beatrix, his wife, is my biological mother. The FBI will not assist the victims. The FBI is employed, payrolled by the Jewish criminal organization that abducts and tortures and sells and murders Dutch, German and Polish and Russian victims in a wider Jewish agenda of "Never Again". King Willem Alexander fears the truth coming out. The American Government has heavy liability for the continued involvement in Tikkun Olam’s criminal activities and cover-ups of so many infants covertly abducted and sold to Bethany Christian Services. Cindy Appel told me that her and Janice Hooker slit the throats of thousands of innocent victims over the decades, while the FBI watched, detouring investigations. According to Cindy Appel- a common practice of murder towards the abducted infants and adults for a Jewish organization based in the Netherlands, Israel, and America, a criminal organization that remains under the radar of most intelligent reports, most police reports, with police involvement, all according to many sources. King Willem Alexander is defrauding the Dutch people, more than that, him and his biological Jewish father's terrorist organization is concealing the ongoing death toll of innocent Gentiles. The Netherlands and the Caribbean Islands are Grand Central for exporting the abducted. The American FBI on soil all over the globe aid and abet the concealment of crimes. The Hague in the Netherlands never opens an investigation into Bethany Christian Services-until now. Many large and small law firms in the Netherlands, Chicago, Michigan, Indiana, South Carolina, Florida, California, Arizona, Texas, and Israel work to protect secrets of the Jews, to take more lives of non-Jews. The Jews want and work towards covertly wiping out populations of Gentiles, eradicating one by one each Gentile so no Gentiles are left to fight against the genocide activity conducted by Jews and Jewish supporters- and never investigated properly by the Jews operating governments, departments, and agencies overseeing the welfare and human rights of all people!!!!! Senator Chuck Schumer only speaks on behalf of Jews- not caring about the bloodshed of non-Jews. Cindy Appel is never questioned or interviewed on tape, in-depth about the crimes she committed-too risky for the Jewish-American-Christian Government in power. War is likely????? War is about values, a clash of values, an inability to see another's point of view or value another on a matter.
Chernobyl 1986- In 1986 I was sixteen. In January 1984, I was thirteen about to turn fourteen watching the snowflakes whirl through the air while residing in Jenison, Michigan when I learned of a Chinese- Israel plot through Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel of what will become a mechanical failure plot for a nuclear meltdown masterminded by the Chinese government, collaborated with Israel sending in one nuclear scientist and three nuclear engineers into a Russian nuclear power plant to create a nuclear mechanical shutdown failure, just three months before nuclear mechanical re-workings conducted by Israel undercover, Chuck Vander Ark divorced Cindy in March of 1986, and threatened to go to the authorities on Cindy/and Cindy's Jewish associates in many criminal matters. By June 1986, Cindy murdered Chuck Vander Ark and told the police detective to fire the coroner if he did NOT write what she instructed the coroner to write. The Kent County Michigan coroner resigned and a new coroner was hired in 1986. The plan of the Chinese and Israeli governments is a business arrangement of mass genocide towards and against races of people the two governments deem they must conquer in order to control, and if they cannot conquer, they will eliminate, as they have been doing all along with covertly murdering infants, children, and adult prey through officials working for Bethany Services, based in West Michigan (616), with worldwide offices conducting genocide, usually off premises, and never investigated by the FBI, due to the Hoover-China contract-deal. The greatest power is the concealed power? The continued collaboration of the Chinese government and the Israeli government is to be feared. China and Israel have already collaborated in nuclear meltdowns in America- just like Chernobyl- with China and Israel targeting mechanical failures in other additional nuclear type facilities in America and Europe. All Americans and Europeans will be eliminated with the China-Israel plan. After the mass extinction, China will then be taking tanks from South America driven upwards to North America to assess the damage, but not before taking out Israel. China and Israel have a business arrangement of mass portions. Just ask Barrack Obama and his closest people- interview them. They will remark "crazy." ****Begin the investigation by analyzing the bloodwork/DNA of employees and subcontractors of who have been inside nuclear mechanical rooms? Investigate.
Craig Mazin (a Jew) pushed forth a Jewish narrative of facts in a movie format called Chernobyl. A five part movie miniseries on HBO Max, created by a Jew, without actually fact reading the sealed classified Russian records that are not for public review about Chernobyl. Rather Craig Mazin ends the movie miniseries with a narrative that the Russians lie out of pride of government. I have never read the Russian classified account on what occurred at Chernobyl that created the nuclear core malfunctioning explosions. But I know. But because Craig Mazin presented facts he could grab, reveal to an audience in a medium people tend to understand and therefore believe, Mazin also could push forth a presented narrative that viewers would believe as plausible. China was the mastermind, the Jews did the work. Sometimes the truth is cold. Sometimes the truth is Politically Incorrect in tone. Truth is bottled by those that are presenters. Sometimes the truth remains hidden, concealed, unworthy of populated circulation to be believed by the masses.
According to what Cynthia Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel told me, the American Government has been systematically covertly murdering people with no Jewish ancestry, no Jewish heritage since 1930, informing me that her parents murdered.
Explaining to me that West Michigan is a hub of activity with the murderers mingling in with purebred Dutch, German, Polish, and Russians and English, as are other regions and pockets in communities with a high concentration of races despised by the Jewish organization. Jews masquerading as Dutch Christian Reformers or Baptists involved with policework or government positions and civilians working with the Jewish organization around the world with an agenda to hone in and covertly murder non-Jews, and get away with those genocides at top level government overseeing the cases, if a case is even assigned a case number at all. Cindy informed me that in some cases the Jews abduct and torture the unassuming targets, and no police report follows, no investigation. The organization is made of human smugglers-serial killers involved with organizational displacement and genocides of the Gentiles, organized with cops, politicians and judges all paid-off, generation after generation, until their ethnic cleansing is complete, and there will be no more purebred Dutch, German, Polish, English, or Russians. Question: How old am I now? Gives a measure of how infiltrated the Jewish organization has grown into government agencies that oversee the investigations into disappearances, Cindy told me that when the earth is cleansed Jesus will return to rule on earth and live among them, but not until certain races have vanished, can a new earth, a New Order come into existence. DNA labs are now utilized by the Jewish run organization that targets Dutch, German, Polish lineages, eradicating races of people in a wider Jewish agenda of "Never Again". Before DNA labs, paper traces of lineages were used by the Jewish run organization that decides the fate of individuals. Since the end of World War II, Cindy told me that over 73 million non-Jews have been eradicated through underground network systems built into sleepy societies everywhere. Bethany Christian Services and the Jewish-American Government, Jewish infiltrated governments and kingdoms in Europe aid and abet the genocide of innocent people of all ages that have non-Jewish bloodwork. A big secret. Those in power are aiding and abetting, or simply turning their eyes to the ongoing underground genocides of so many Gentiles. Jewish politicians only care about Jews, not the welfare of all people. In 1947 Israel established Waco with the aid and sympathy of leaders. Judaism, just like Christianity, just like any religion can become cult-like in core ideologies, but for the Jewish people after World War II, those cult-like ideologies grew into a military movement, both boldly seen and also unseen behind the scenes in the world to murder and get away with murder of non-Jewish people as the Jewish people problem-solve their ongoing theory of "Never Again," Fold Waco. Fold Israel. American leaders are not analyzing Israel's agenda, and therefore not acting promptly. Locally- in Bartow County, Georgia, USA, a man and woman moved in the neighborhood in 2020, just down the street from me. His wife is related to Cindy Appel's third husband, Jim Appel. They head Tikkun Olam in the South with Janice Hooker and Janice Hooker's second husband "Dave", with 60 chapters nationwide- an organization that plots and murders non-Jews like a big cross going across America, I cannot take a walk in my neighborhood into the new third phase of the neighborhood, without the man and his wife stepping out and shouting their murderous rage at me and what they uncovered about my German-Dutch lineage. The aim of Tikkun Olam is to target and murder people with no Jewish bloodline- boldly and brazenly bragging that the police and GBI and FBI and Crosspoint Church in Cartersville, and Sam Jones Church in Cartersville allow them to murder- and slit the throats of non-Jews and get away with the many murders that go unsolved or scapegoated if solved- that is what they boldly brag- out-loud to me as I walk in a neighborhood I have resided in since August 2014. Before the establishment of the State of Israel re-designated for the Jewish people in 1947, the Middle East had peace. Israel needs to fold, and the Jewish people need to be peacefully removed from the Middle East, and simply asked where they would like to live, and move to all the ends of the world and not live in a divided world, with ideologies that divided. The Jews need to work on themselves in the realm of how they can become peace loving people, no matter the challenges one faces in the world. Blowing up buildings out of anger and revenge towards the people of Palestine is no way to locate hostages. The West never should have backed bombing Gaza in October 2023 as a tactical solution in locating the Israeli hostages to then negotiate the release of the Israeli hostages. Fold Israel, and peacefully remove the Jews out of the Middle East. Afterall, why would anyone, any army, any intelligence, suggest to bomb every building in Gaza City as a means to release hostages, if Gaza City is where Hamas is supposedly holding the Israeli hostages? Israel risks bombing buildings where the hostages are assumed held captive? Why bomb? Bombing kills people, hostages and all. Again, fold Israel and save lives. Give people a new beginning. Similarly, like after the Civil War in the mid 1860s the federal government gave 40 acres and a mule to freed African-Americans in the South to rebuild their lives. The people of Israel and Palestine are not free from ideologies that harm and kill others. Free the people of Israel and Palestine before the Israeli-Hamas war escalates. The Middle East is not going to have peace without re-configuring how to have peace in a realistic way. The reason the Jewish-Christian American Government gives ten billion of American tax dollars each year to Iran, a large Middle East country, is so that Iran does not attack Israel. The plan of Israel is to decrease Gentiles in a "Never Again" agenda, grow more Jewish blood people, and then re-attack all of the Arabs from all sides in the Middle East- once the number of Jews and/or Jewish supporters in the world reaches a high enough number to accomplish such a war task. The Jews have one ultimate goal- to diminish all populations of all races, with one exception- the Jews. Many Jews are not masquerading as Jews,
*As a victim of the Jewish-American Government and the Jewish-operated Netherlands- I have not received a dime of restitution for being kidnaped and sold to Bethany Christian Services in 1971, only to be tortured because of my lineage of having a German father, Claus Von Amsberg, married to Beatrix, whom are my biological birth parents. The Jews and the Jewish counterparts, Jewish supporters are to blame. Rid the kingdom of the Netherlands of Jews, and those that support the continued covert murder of the Gentiles. I want a government to stop the Jews and those that support the Jew's destruction of my lineage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare the Jewish organization to have done this to me !!!!! And they continue to do this to me !!!!!
The Bible states that "the rivers will turn to blood" and that it will be "kingdom against kingdom" "brother against brother" "neighbor against neighbor" in "the end." Ironically, the Netherlands is made of many canals, many rivers, many waterways indeed. Do you really believe the Bible? Or do you wish you did not believe?
The Hague in the Netherlands keeps this information from the general public: "The Dutch Room" heist artwork from the Boston Gardner Museum in 1990 can be located in one of King Alexander's castles in the Netherlands. His biological Jewish Father- unknown to most- remember King Alexander's biological father is not the late Prince Claus Von Amsberg. I want no monetary reward from the FBI, and King Charles of the U.K. can confirm "The Dutch Room" heist artwork is with King Alexander, as King Charles has laid eyes on the artwork himself. King Alexander will never allow the FBI to locate what his biological Jew Father and lover to the former Queen of the Netherlands Queen Beatrix wanted and then stole from the Gardner Museum in Boston. Rather, this is just an F.Y.I., just like all the information posted at my website, noting many notorious crimes the FBI "allowed" throughout history are solved behind closed doors. King Alexander of the Netherlands is my biological half brother-maternal side.
The entire American Government and military has the power and capabilities to enter the Middle East and put a stop to the 2023 Israel-Hamas War. But President Biden and Jew Blinken value the lives of Jews over the lives of non-Jews. Therefore, they will not allow the American Military to put the brakes on the genocide missions carried out by Israel towards innocent Palestinian people. The year 2023 is not the year Israel began its genocide projects of non-Jews, deemed an enemy of a Jew. Silent genocide projects carried out by Bethany Christian Services..
Since 1950- each year a Jewish organization covertly abducts, tortures, sodomizes, sells, re-sells, tortures and often murders a minimum of one-million Gentiles. The members go unprosecuted. This is an Educational Scroll. The American Government has been aiding and abetting the criminal Jewish organization since 1950 to abduct, torture, slaughter, poison, slay, and conceal the murders and reports of non-Jews through a front company called Bethany Christian Services, established in 1950, as a government funded greenlight genocide project heavily involved with ethnic cleansing conducted by Israel towards non-Jews around the world. The American Government's genocide projects have deep roots throughout the decades. It is no surprise that Jew Blinken (the U.S. Secretary of State) through his powerful title and position is requesting billions of dollars in aid in 2023 from branches of the American Government to be granted to Israel to keep funding, fueling more greenlight genocide projects financially, and wholeheartedly supported by the American Government- it's almost expected. Jews only care about the lives and strife of Jews- a root cause of why many do not favor Jews. The Jews have been testing and researching DNA and lineages, targeting covertly, the demise of non-Jews. Jews are using Christians, the Christian faith to further the agenda of a New World, a New Heaven, a New Order made up entirely of Jews. For example, Detective Jacob Sparks, head of the Ottawa County, Michigan investigative unit, told me in November 2022, that Cindy Honderd-Appel has a Jewish lineage through her maternal side and therefore Cindy is not going to be charged with any murder she(Cindy) commits on this earth- won't happen, not on his watch. The picture is big in West Olive, Michigan, Jews protect Jews, always. Cindy told me in the 1980s that Israel has stored weapons of mass destruction hidden in the world.
October 2023- Iran warns of 'Harsh Consequences' if Gaza attacks continue.
Jews, whether practicing the religion of Judaism, Christianity, or simply a non-religious individual, Jews in government are dangerous choice makers whose inborn ideologies foster hate and divides.
For example:
Throughout October-November 2023 the U.K.'s Home Secretary Suella Braverman has stated any opposition to Israel is antisemitism, any march of ceasefire is a hate march against Israel. Jews have an innate problem to view others in their world. Furthermore, countries like Palestine, the United Kingdom, and Germany, Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, and the Netherlands, have a high rate of infants brought into the American Government's Genocide Program at Bethany Christian Services- operated by Jews in power, deciding punishments.
What do I say? I want the ideologies of the Jewish-American Government and Jewish culture threaded throughout the world to cease, an ideology, a cultural norm of superiority and acceptable genocide of others that are non-Jewish. A visibly noticeable warped demented psychological hold the Jews have on the USA President Biden and his administration and the American Government as a whole, to not immediately react to the Israel-Hamas War by sending in planes and boats and convoys to peacefully remove each and every Jew from the Middle East. Then place the Jewish people somewhere non-densely populated and not next to mortal enemies, or more realistically, people and nations that know what the Jews are all about- themselves. Place Benjamin Netanyahu and his entire IDF leaders on trial for war crimes committed. Send a message to the world that the Jews cannot get away with massacres of non-Jews. However, that message to stop the innocent Palestinian people from being slaughtered and bombed by the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) will never be spoken in word or action by the extremists for Israel whom all believe through ideologies woven in the world that it is o.k. for Jews to murder who they deem an enemy. The backlash of the extremist viewpoints carried out by the American Government operated by Jews in government has an inevitable consequence- the most capable military forces will eventual win. The greenlight of governments to allow Jews to murder non-Jews has not seen the final outcome arrive. Jewish FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray works from the inside to aid Tikkun Olam objectives in the world. Wray does not appear to be a Jew extremist, and Afterall, no one is investigating what he did.
Jew Blinken would like to ride out the Israel-Hamas War, continue on the same course until all Jews occupy all governments in the world to create one world- one assembly- of all Jews and then they believe their problems are eradicated. That war course would be a long war just as Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that the Hamas-Israel War will be a long war. A war Jew Blinken and the others operating the American Government would like to stay on. My advice? Remove all Jews in every sector of the world and move the Jews immediately to one location so that Jews can be around people of their own nature, and leave the rest of us alone.
Theoretically, what if "other nations" made the White House to appear as Gaza looks today? Would it be called "self-defense" by Jew Blinken? The Jewish-American led government slaughters innocent people at will, with no plans of ceasefire as the bullies (Israel) in the school playground (Gaza Strip) continually murder as many Palestinians as possible as Bully America allows the kills of non-Jews, because the people are non-Jews. For how long? Netanyahu has stated publicly "a long war."
Why has CIA David Petraeus not been arrested yet? Not arresting CIA David Petraeus sent a message.
How the American Government operates internationally is very indicative of how the American Government behaves domestically. Investigate the Ottawa County Sheriff's Dept. in Ottawa Co. West Michigan, investigate Jewish Detectives on the force to be a force of the IDF, under their cult name Tikkun Olam- mass murders of non-Jews totaling over one million a year, worldwide, in a very unassuming manner. According to Jim and Cindy Appel- worldwide at least 2,500 non-Jews are plotted against and murdered per day of German, Dutch, Polish or Russian ancestry in the name of Tikkun Olam's ideologies of "Never Again" will Jews suffer. This cult has deep roots in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Bethany Christian Services going back all the way to the end of World War II. Cindy's non-apprehended father, Martin Stob, joined in 1950 to evade capture of the Cleveland and Chicago murders he committed. The Grand Rapids, Michigan Jewish group promised Martin Stob he would evade the police and prosecution of his many murders if he joined Tikkun Olam and murdered for the sake of Jews. Cindy Appel told me the covert murders Tikkun Olam commits are covert conspiracies. Texas genealogical labs are just one avenue in how the worldwide group hones in on their prey. Cindy's nephew, Ben Stob and Dan Stob, sons of Harvey Stob work for the group based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They believe they are honoring God and God's chosen people, "the Jews" by covertly making non-Jews disappear, so that God and the Jews will someday reign on earth as one-race with God. The group has much power with institutions, police, courts, governments.
I receive numerous letters from Julie Biesiadecki, Marla Appel-Geers-Hoekwater is Julie's half-sister. The latest letter is post-marked 7 May 2024, announcing to me that everything I post is shared with Tikkun Olam members world-wide, and that Tikkun Olam is planning on murdering me soon.
Typically Jews operate behind the scenes such as ambulances, jails, basements, woods, institutions of all kinds when murdering a prey. Elijah McClain was a non-Jew, making Elijah McClain their prey. The outcome is always the same when Tikkun Olam members murder innocent prey; the Jewish-American Government tolerates such murders. Rarely is criminal conspiracy an advocated criminal charge in American courts run by Jews and Jewish-Christian individuals acting in behalf of a greater ideology at work- Tikkun Olam- a cult without walls for the greater amount. Take for instance, Jenison, Michigan. Jenison is located in Ottawa Co. Michigan. Between 1995 and the year 2000, Jenison, Michigan lost over half the population, 13,000 people just gone with no individual records as to why half the population vanished. No one investigates. Why? Because no one in the Ottawa County Jewish Council and Jewish police detectives unit want the disturbing amount of the loss of people investigated. Jews are protecting secrets. Such secrets the Jews do not want investigated while they run the world. The Jewish-Christian Jews believe God gives them the authority to decide who lives and who dies, so that in the end, only one race survives- Jewish lineages.
The American Government is criminally negligent as a whole- no matter what the American courts rule or what the Judge or jury state- as both jurors and judges are paid by the American Government. The police officers that placed the victim in a choke hold and the other officers who administered a lethal dose of a sedative drug that resulted in the death of the young victim are all employed and paid with benefits by the American Government. The American Government collaborated the death. Begin testing the DNA of people employed by the American Government and you'll see a Jew link.
Of course, my judgey opinion is very unbiased- as the American Government does not payroll me.
No one or no Jewish organization or State or Country ever files a slander suit in civil court on me, I am never served a civil lawsuit of slander or libel. Why? Civil Lawsuits have a portion within the lengthy process called "discovery". The discovery portion is evidentiary evidence that further exposes my points made here. I most certainly will always be dodging attempts on my life for what I know-for as long as I am alive. But for me the truth is so important, the risk of being murdered by Tikkun Olam is a daily risk I see.
The American Government's Voodoo Jew from Louisiana- Mike Johnson voted to give 14 billion in aid to Israel for Israel to kill more innocent Palestinian people and animals caught in the crossfire of Israel and America's warped rage. The Speaker of the House consorts in politics in Washington D.C., they voted in Washington for more bloodshed and forced oppression upon Palestine. Parents blown up by Israeli led airstrikes, children now without parents or a home, no place to sleep, no food or water, everything they knew just blown up in a millisecond, Palestinian children murdered by American and Israeli purpose driven airstrikes. Numerous children maimed, children killed, because America backs ANY murders committed by Israel and Jews in America. America can stop the war and bloodshed of non-Jews, but doesn't. America and Israel keep murdering for the sake of murdering anything non-Jewish. Jew Blinken has stated numerous times when the Israeli military hits Gaza Palestinian hospitals and schools, or Gaza Palestinian ambulances, or Gaza Palestinian refugee camps or Gaza Palestinian residential housing- that the Israelis are entitled to self-defense. It is not self-defense, the innocent Gaza Palestinian civilians are not armed. Israel is carrying out genocide missions in Gaza with Israeli airstrikes and Israeli boots on the ground in Gaza, backed by Jews in Governments.
The fascist American Government's fingerprints are all over the genocide greenlight of Gaza. The repercussions could be immense for the American Government's heavy liability involvement. Despite the clear genocide and collective punishment of the American-backed Israeli military to not ceasefire but rather to blatantly murder as many non-Jews as possible could only result in a wider war by the wider audience watching the evils escalate of the Israeli-American war against non-Jews. Jewish politicians disregard the voices of many American citizens to ceasefire. If there is an American military base in your country, and the country is not America (the United States) immediately shut-down that occupying American military base that has no right to plant American boots on the ground of what is not America. America has crossed the lines of what it believes it is, and should remove or/close all American bases in foreign countries.
Jew Blinken, Jew Ms. Rosen, Jew Chuck Schumer continuously requesting billions in aid and military might from the varies American branches to set ablaze to Israel's rage. Gentiles disagree with the American backed approach of fools in action. Afterall, where is my USA voting ballot to vote no or yes on what Blinken requests. Americans are ready for something better than what the American Government has proclaimed and stamping as freedom for all. Internationally, Israel is continuously bombing Gaza buildings and does not seemingly care if the Israeli hostages are in the Gaza buildings. No apparent intel at work to locate the Israeli hostages. Domestically, the Americans have been raped by the American Government, stripped of rights, forced to pay taxes to shed bloodshed of Jewish led wars and strife. USA citizens are constantly removed from public forums where the Jewish-American Government conducts business as usual in Washington D.C., USA citizens are pushed into silence by guards of the Jewish-American Government arenas. Jews in power bankrupts America. Jews in power is disastrous. Jews care about Jews, not others, Many Jews will wrap themselves in Baptist Associations as front companies. Many Jews will shield their identity, values, and repulsive ideologies behind church and police and FBI and government affiliations and employment in order to hide what they are all about- their grave intentions towards and against non-Jews, everywhere in the world.
Unprecedented Big changes are coming to earth!
The Jewish Men place their thinking caps on their heads, but do not receive wisdom from God. The Jews resort to being Jews and hate everyone else. The Jews hide behind names, and church walls and synagogue walls with their agendas that sound wholly American, such as "Dean Benson Phillips" and "Christopher Asher Wray." Secretly-a dangerous ideology of a Jewish network of men and women involved in human trafficking and covert and brazen genocide of non-Jews. Publicly- a representative of the American Government- for their connected, networked, web of evil Jews. Not presented as a Jew with an agenda of deep-seated motives to be in politics or the FBI- it's a secret?
If you ask a Jew if they hate anyone, the Jew will say no. However, actions speak louder. We all know.
Blatant as well as covert Thieving behind walls is just one crime of many mass criminal acts conducted by the American Government towards non-Jews. It's a dirty secret I have experienced- and therefore know. Those whose bloodwork displays no Jewish lineage, then become a target of ethnic rage and plots from the Jews towards the Gentile victim, just ask any Jewish Politician, or ask the Jewish FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray. Perfect Victims are selected through bloodwork ordered by the American Government. Do you require examples of the corrupt American Government thieving? Read this 30 minute Educational Scroll suppressed by my oppressors.
Bartow Co. Georgia USA better return my land (stolen and then re-recorded in 2020 by Jews and Bartow County from 1.23 acres down to .73) and the $56,000 stolen on my credit cards on Saturday afternoon Nov. 28, 2015, by Jews (David Holifield) smashing my vehicle's window. To understand peace on earth, one needs to first understand a Jew.
Benjamín Netanyahu has stated publicly in 2023 that "it will be a long war." The prime minister of Israel heads a criminal organization. Israel is a criminal organization. Israel is Waco displaying extreme religious beliefs whose ideologies have spread to many western and northern countries on the globe. "The long war" that extremist Netanyahu believes will be a long war, or is a long war? He has been conducting a war behind the iron dome of utilizing others to do his murdering of Gentiles. In America there is a Christian-Jewish coalition of people, law enforcers, politicians, that allow the covert disappearances-to-murders, abductions-to-adoptions, to less covert style murders of Gentiles to rage on in America, it has been going on since 1950- Cindy Appel is a member. Cindy Appel abducted me- I know a lot. Arizona and Indiana and Michigan are hot spots of activity for the criminal organization. The members of the Jewish-Christian coalition abduct, torture, murder, and are not prosecuted, so that the members may kill again for the Jewish organization that purposely murders non-Jews, especially targeting, the Dutch, the German, the Polish, and Russian non-Jewish victims and Arabs as top priority to slaughter since 1950, following the end of World War II. The Jewish organization creates mass propaganda, placing Jews in Media that have a warped ideology that they are chosen by God, and all others are not and will die as a result. It would take a long time war for the Jewish organization to covertly murder or blatantly murder all non-Jews. Dangerous ideologies followed by the Biden Administration carried out. The Jews do not shed a tear for the loss of a non-Jew's life, it is not built in their religion to care. Often, the Jews spur hostility when others care about non-Jews. The Jews see only Jews, not others.
The Jews are ceaseless, never-ending with their crimes towards me, like some kind of long war against me, joined with the almighty American Government resources to harass me into silence. The American Government as "an organization" cannot solve, apparently cannot solve one crime out of the thousands of crimes that have occurred to me since I was first kidnapped and brought to Florida as an infant by Jews, in their abduction-to-adoption human trafficking ring. The American Government has told me in more than one way, that I am the wrong ethnicity in what the American Government terms as the free world to have the crimes that have occurred to me solved efficiently and properly. To provide a scale, a "big picture" of just how interwoven America's human-trafficking and genocide of the Gentiles is in real time; I have been contacting attorneys that handle the category of human trafficking since 1990. I am seeking damages as a human-trafficked victim. The woman Cindy that abducted Baby Paul Fronczak-from Chicago is also responsible for my abduction. Each and every American law firm has a conflict of interest. Meaning that each and every law firm that handles human-trafficking lawsuits has received money from Bethany Christian Services to NOT file. On a broader criminal level- the government liability is revealed with countries that support Israel's interest to further displace and murder non-Jews. Israel is an organization. America is a puppet country to Israel. America does not stand alone. The Ukraine is a puppet country to Israel. The Netherlands is a puppet country to Israel. The United Kingdom is a puppet country to Israel. The victims to Israel know these dark secrets. Rural Bartow County Georgia believes it is O.K. for an organization of Jews- to steal from me, to steal from others that are the wrong ethnicity to them. The American Government is willfully negligent.
Information Jew FBI Director Wray does not want investigated, is precisely what should be re-opened. I like to call it like I see it. I can clearly recognize patterns of abuse and genocide stemming from Jews in conjunction with the American Government towards the Gentiles. The Star of David has clear indications as a symbol of genocide. It's as if out of anger the Jews, Israel, supporters of Israeli ideologies have swapped the swastika out for the Star of David. Massive amounts of covert genocides against non-Jews in counties across America, carried out since the 1950s by the American Government in conjunction with Tikkun Olam- a Jewish criminal organization that operates in every facet of the world to eliminate non-Jews. The acts of torture and mass covert genocide exterminations carried out by Jewish extremists lodged within police power, political power, masked hidden ideology foiled in culturally acceptable exterminations, many such acts carried out by American police and criminal civilians' working in tandem to keep this secret. It's almost unbelievable that covert genocide projects of the non-jews has a place in high society- to middleclass society.
*Jews in government positions do not want IRS agents to invade the files of the non-profit Bethany Christian Services, as it would expose.
Israel is Waco. The Christians that support the longtime cult religion of Judaism are corruptly wacko. Judaism believes, and therefore fundamentally exercises opposition to anything and everyone that is non-Jewish in nature. The Christian religion mirrors their roots-Judaism. The life of a non-Jew has no place in Jewish society. The life of a non-Jew has no place? Jews believe that non-Jews are of no human value. Genetics, DNA, is at the core of the Jewish faith. Making the extermination of non-Jews essential in the Jewish handbook of ideologies revered. Collective Punishment towards innocent Arabs, innocent Germans, innocent people has been carried out and will always be carried out by the Jews and supporters of Jews- as core values. Therefore, there should not be two states (Israel and Palestine). Israel will fold. God is not with Israel or America. I am never wrong. Israel and America are in the wrong on so many key issues.
73 plus million Gentiles covertly abducted and sold by Tikkun Olam since the 1950s through adoption agencies, and is still ongoing, to the point where the police in the West, East, North, South, will not arrest Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker and the thousands of members of a Jewish criminal organization who engage in abducting and murdering Gentiles, for a victim being an ethnicity that the Jews have an ethnic angst towards. New York's Chuck Schumer is a Jew and Majority Leader of the United States Senate, along with USA President Biden, those, but not me, in political fellowship unity with other Jewish politicians in Utah and Arizona and/or politicians married to Jews, and Jew Blinken the U.S. Secretary of State, + Benjamín Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel and Israeli's military leaders all have publicly stated in October 2023 that the 1940s Holocaust is justification of Israel's endless massacres of non-Jews/Gentiles since the 1940s, and those Jewish leaders of America and Israel have publicly stated because of the Holocaust- Israel has an entitlement to slaughter and slay Gentiles and destroy buildings and property and hospitals and churches that are non-Jewish in the Middle East. OMG, the wicked Jewish values in modern politics and police does not cease- it spread to America and all parts of the world since the 1940s. The American Government with Israel Intel utilizing Bethany Christian Services, plots, abducts, murders a million Gentile infants and children hostage each year since the 1950s, a systematic displacement and genocide of Gentiles worldwide. USA solidarity with Israel is a multi-layer criminal mess-the Netherlands, Israel, China and the USA should surrender their countries to the United Nations. However, Biden's Administration, like all USA administrations would prefer to have unwavering solidarity with Israel and continued "collective punishment" towards those who oppose Jewish Ideologies ingrained in USA and UK and Netherlands' government. The American Government would prefer to add more fuel to the fire, vs. addressing the real issues of over 73 million abducted and murdered Gentiles through one agency alone-Bethany Christian Services utilized by Tikkun Olam- a Jewish Criminal Organization. Jews only value the life of fellow Jews and/or Gentiles that wholly uphold that one explicit Jewish value. USA with Israel will only create more carnage of non-Jews.
Then at 8pm, on 19 October 2023 (Thursday evening), West Michigan's uncaught 89 year old serial killer and terrorist Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel arrives in a black 2013-2014 Toyota Sienna mini-van, unannounced and trespassing at my Cartersville, Georgia USA front door, she reveals a black gun out of her white 1950s style purse in a rage, shouting, banging on my door over 20 times, ringing my doorbell incessantly over 12 times that the American Government wants me dead for what I exposed about them. Cindy returned at 12:21pm noon on Friday October 20th, 2023>riding up and down Roberson Drive in Cartersville. Then, October 21, 2023 Cindy called from Indiana bragging about the Delphi Murders she partook in with Jim on Valentines Day Weekend 2017. No law enforcer arrests Cindy Appel for trespassing on my property and the attempted murder of me (Lori Vander Ark-DeBartolo) on October 19th at 8pm. Any actual murder or attempted murder- it is very obvious- Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel and Janice Hooker "go free" as do all the members of Tikkun Olam through police. Non-Apprehended Cindy Appel and her criminal associates were given the greenlight to murder.
The Jews in the CIA and FBI keep Tikkun Olam members free, spewing farces in departments. The origins of World War III. Cause and effect.
* On 06 December 2024, Friday afternoon, Chloe Brinkley- positioned at the State of Georgia in Calhoun, Georgia told me over the phone that I better stop trash talking and blogging about Cindy Appel- a 90 year-old West Michigan woman living in a Grandville, Michigan condo- and for me to not mention the crimes Cindy Appel has committed in the world. The audacious American Government sent a State of Georgia USA employee- Chloe Brinkley to try and intimidate me into silence about Cindy Appel's decades of crimes!
Cindy Appel told me that Jews have planted themselves within politics and police and sleepy communities and massive cities to see to it that Tikkun Olam members are not caught and prosecuted for their murders of non-Jews, a common practice among Jews in governmental positions since 1950. No one stops Jews from the abuse and crimes endured by non-Jews in America- and the world. Why? Cindy Appel told me that Texas Senator Ted Cruz is pay rolled so that the organization will not be investigated and prosecuted and therefore Texas is where she resides for many months, committing crimes.
What I have personally experienced in America is that Jews and Jewish-Christians constantly hate and persecute those of non-Jewish lineages. It is inescapable what Jews and their counterparts do to me and other non-Jews. Crimes boldly or covertly committed by Jews or people hired by Jews are then scapegoated in America or not solved at all, the most solvable crimes I have reported, go unsolved- just dust. I strongly suggest that the American Government and Media address the criminal organization founded by Jews. Why have American NOT heard of Tikkun Olam and the crimes committed and scapegoated by Tikkun Olam members? The fact is many Tikkun Olam members are mayors, police, detectives, FBI, and politicians, governors, allowing the crimes to continue and never allow their own to be prosecuted and brought into the spotlight of justice> they want all Gentiles dead-forgotten.
The American Government has been giving a greenlight since 1950 to a massive criminal organization to murder non-Jews and those without Christian and Jewish ideologies. Apparently, after the smoke clears, I learned Ottawa County Michigan Detectives sent Cindy and Jim Appel on a murdering mission. In September 2023 Cindy Appel had called me and announced that her and Jim were leaving to go on a murderous rampage through the South murdering non-Jews, "people not chosen by God", stating her and Jim were leaving the first week in October 2023. The backdrop: I immediately contacted the Michigan Attorney General's office of Dana Nessel and West Michigan's Det. Jacob Sparks and Det. Jeremy Baum of the Ottawa Co. Sheriff's Dept. in September 2023 PRIOR to Cindy Appel leaving, to stop her, and what her murderous evil intentions are> to target and murder in the South, both Ottawa Co. officials responded similarly with "Cindy Honderd-Appel is not a criminal, stop saying she is." On Monday between 12noon and 2pm on October 23, 2023, while I was away from my house buying groceries, a Georgia USA Bartow County Sheriff knocked on my front door and told my husband, Dr. Edward DeBartolo, that the detectives in Michigan think that I am crazy, and in addition, the Bartow Co. Sheriff stated that Cindy Appel thinks I am crazy, and therefore the Bartow County police officer concluded that I must be crazy. The Georgia officer gave warnings to my husband that I must stop reporting information about Cindy Appel and her associates-as were orders from the Ottawa Co. Michigan detectives, given by a Bartow County Georgia USA Sheriff. The GA police officer warned my husband I would go to jail or a mental hospital-taken away-just like what happened in Michigan when I reported Cindy Appel's crimes to various police jurisdictions-warning my husband, who then reiterated to me what the Georgia Bartow County Officer stated to him on October 23, 2023> my husband then relaying to me on Monday October 23, 2023 that the police officer would see to it, that I would not return from the mental hospital- or jail-but stay there permanently-and die there. My husband relayed to me all details of "conversation" the officer had to say to him, to then relay to me and warn me = the GA police officer would see to it that I stay in a mental hospital or jail cell permanently for reporting crimes that I believe or know Cindy Appel committed. My husband told me, warned me, if an ambulance pulls up in the driveway that the police would be here to take me away to kill me. In America, the government does not tolerate "the reporting" of a crime committed by a member of Tikkun Olam. Witnesses and victims are referred to or labeled crazy. I am not crazy. I am not a criminal. I am not a spy. I am a victim that lived to report what I know. *Please read this Educational Scroll all the way to "the end."