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 08 October 2023- Risky USA rushes sending fighter jets and warships to aid Israel. Tuesday- 10/10/2023 The first plane carrying US armaments lands in Israel. 10.11.2023 CNN interviews former IDF intel chief-"Hamas will pay like the Nazis paid in Europe," says former IDF intel chief. Biden calls Hamas attack "sheer evil" and arms Israelis only and traps non-Jews in Gaza. Jew Blinken titled as the U.S. Secretary of State of the American Government-Biden's administration said, “but Israel has to take steps to defend itself.” Since 1964, Russia has been stocking up on nuclear warheads, the year Chicago's Baby Paul Fronczak was abducted by traveling West Michigan master kidnapper Cindy Vander Ark under an alias, along with the Zodiac Killer (Mr. Cline) and D.B. Cooper (Chuck Vander Ark/Doing Business as Cooperworking for West Michigan's 616 Bethany Christian Services owned by a Jewish terrorist group funded by the Jewish-American Government's Covert Abduction and Genocide Program of non-Jews. For decades, the USA-Israeli genocide of non-Jewish bloodlines. The hypocrisy, the value of one races human rights vs. other humans to have no rights decided upon by the American Government's actions or lack of actions is the fallout. Values determine wars. Strength determines outcomes of wars. America lost at chess today, the gameboard- by making the wrong moves to aid Israel and blatantly disregard the lives of non-Jewish people. I predict Syria is going to be finishing-off Israel. Second, will be Syria removing King Alexander of the Netherlands whose aged-biological Jew father resides in Israel. King Alexander's biological Jew father founded Tikkun Olam and is very responsible for millions of Gentile infants marked "stillborn" in hospitals operated from the inside by Tikkun Olam- Benjamin Netanyahu- is a prominent member. Benjamin Netanyahu and CIA Bob Baer head a research group that abducts, tortures and murders innocent people that just so happen not to be Jewish. See Bethany Christian Services for the many evils Netanyahu has been involved with for decades. Innocent babies and children with Dutch purity, German purity, Polish purity, Russian purity, are hated and plotted against before the innocent infants are born. Millions of Gentiles missing, tortured, sodomized, and murdered by Tikkun Olam. The newborns are drugged during birth, then smuggled out of hospitals and countries, some infants are then sold, and re-sold to Bethany Christian Services (adoption), but according to Cindy Appel (formerly known as: Cynthia Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel), and other USA Jews I have spoken with since the late 1970s, most covertly abducted infants are slaughtered and encased in small residential cement projects as West Michigan's Honderd Cement to large commercial Kent Cement projects at the hands of serial killers working for Tikkun Olam. Since 1950- over 73 million Gentile victims at the command + networking of American Jews, Jewish Europeans and the Israeli terrorist group working behind the scenes, referred to as Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company. Tikkun Olam places each and every USA President on the voting ballots to fund Israeli interests to thus create a solidarity of joint interests. Each USA Pre-President makes a pact with the devil, to de-value others, and value Jews. America will realize the wrong delays, and still do nothing, just as many countries hit American soil and remove the American-Jewish Government from causing anymore harm to non-Jews on this earth. Israeli Intel and Netanyahu received word from Biden in 2021 that China and Russia and America ALL have the evidence of worldwide Tikkun Olam based in Israel. Israeli Intel and Prime Minister Netanyahu allowed Hamas to enter Israel (murder). Netanyahu then "announces war." Israel is going to "over-kill" in Gaza (South) to then create a domino war reaction against Israel (suicide). Israeli Intel realizes its Tikkun Olam is exposed and is aware the world is about to be shown the overwhelming evidence,  dynamics like a murder-suicide.


*To this very day- the FBI and American police STILL have not apprehended 3 JEWS Janice Hooker ALIAS Melody Stager/ Irene Goodman/Cindy Honderd-Appel for the torture and tying me up for months and broken bones and broken teeth they gave me in the 1970s (while the 3 beat me to a pulp-Cindy said "this is because" of my German-born father Claus and the Jews hate him). 1982- Cindy and the Jewish Group's beating placed me in surgery at the end of October 1982. The Ottawa Co. police detectives and FBI have had the evidence since 1975-1976, however those 3 women are members of Tikkun Olam. The American Government would prefer the continuance of wicked, diabolical crimes from the Jews towards Gentiles. Since World War II- Tikkun Olam gets a hold of an infant or child, Bethany Christian Adoption Services is a system Jews use for their ethnic cleansing, where Jews torture and enslave and usually murder the Gentile, the Jews embroiled a system, and seals cases through Judges. The criminal illegal appears legit. 17 October 2023- CNN-reports: Iran's Supreme Leader accuses Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and warns against escalation. 


Bethany Christian Services sounds wholly "Christian", so who would guess or assume that Bethany Christian Services/Homes is owned and operated by a criminal Jewish organization that established roots in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1952 following WWII with a mission to displace and torture innocent infants and innocent children not of Jewish bloodlines. Infants and Children from around the world- Gentiles- displaced-tortured- and many murdered at the hands of Janice Hooker and Cindy Appel and the FBI that looks but does not prosecute are strengthened in numbers by the governments that look but do not prosecute the criminals. In fact, California and Washington State and Michigan in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s will scapegoat or not solve a crime committed by Tikkun Olam- Jewish teams of serial killers- such as Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel and her biological sons Richard Craig and David Lee Vander Ark's California Hillside Strangler crime spree following their mid-summer 1977 West Michigan demise of Deb Polinsky at 8271 Curwood Drive in Jenison, Michigan. Cindy told me in 1978- in the kitchen at 8271 Curwood Drive that detectives in California had contacted the Ottawa Co. Sheriff's office in West Michigan- and she/Cindy was worried she/Cindy was going to get caught for murdering in California because someone had 

spotted her/Cindy (DOB: 12/13/1934) and "the boys" "Dave and Ric VA" in their early 20s at that time rolling an orange Datsun off a cliff in southern California- and that is why she fled southern California at that time. Cindy was worried that the orange Datsun would lead back to her- them. Dave was an artist- and the first Hillside victim was an art student that he took an interest in, but the female did not take an interest in Dave VA, early fall 1977 after he/Dave VA fled West Michigan Labor Day weekend 1977. Dave began a serious relationship with a female named Veronica. Dave described her/Veronica as having jet-black hair, a hot and cold personality, and extremely jealous. Dave VA told me that Veronica would often throw things at him, and that they fought alot. Cindy VA (now Cindy Appel) told me that if it was not for Tikkun Olam, a Jewish organization that operates governments- that her and Ric and Dave and Dad (Chuck VA/D.B. Cooper) would be in jail. The Mainstream Media and Police and Governments around the world that are secretly operated by Jewish organizations will continually shun this information written from my humanitarian perspective, "people have a right to know." America supporting Israel's genocide of everything "not Jewish" cannot possibly end well. 

1975- David Lee Vander Ark entered California to live with his biological brother Richard Craig Vander Ark in Sacramento, California. Dave VA would be in and out of California and Michigan and Idaho dodging "the law" and "investigations," between 1975 and 1990. Cindy convinced Dave, her biological son that the Jews operating the American courts would never indict them for any murder. Over Labor Day weekend 1977- Dave VA re-entered California- this time southern California. His first murder committed with his mother and brother was Deb Polinsky, Ottawa Co. Michigan, Mid-summer 1977. Cindy and Dave began a reign of terror- with a large group- teams of serial killers- protected by Jews in law enforcement and politics- get DNA warrants- to know truth. The real Hillside Stranglers are Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel, Veronica-Dave VA's girlfriend from 1977-1981, Janice Hooker, David Lee Vander Ark and Richard Craig Vander Ark- a team of sadistic serial killers from Tikkun Olam!!! Cindy VA bragged that the police purposely nailed the wrong 2 guys for the Hillside Strangler Crimes- allowing them, the real killers to escape to continue murdering for Tikkun Olam! OMG USA! 


The non-knowledge of this information, the non-spreading of this information, the non-investigation of this information is actually aiding and abetting a huge Jewish criminal organization fast at work behind the scenes domestically and internationally to work undeterred. I am not a spy. I am a victim that lived to tell of what I know. Most victims of Bethany Christian Services and the State of Michigan- do not live to tell. There is no federal statute of limitations on human trafficking. If the American Government offered me and each and every victim 150 million each in restitutions, it would not be enough, come-up with a better financial number on paper. I want a better financial number in restitution amounts from the American Government now, and only now. I want the government of the Netherlands to return my rightful country back to me. Gather DNA and testimonies. World War III has already begun. I met with Putin in West Michigan in 1989-1990. I met with Putin in Atlanta, Georgia in 1992. I also met with CIA Gen. David Petraeus and Obama-before he became President, and CIA Director Leon Panetta 1992-1993. All of them told me to my face, who my biological parents are> and that I was stolen out of the Netherlands. All of them told me that Bethany Christian Services is a Jewish organization that abducts, sells, and usually murders the victims by age thirty- made to appear as an accidental death.

*I am requesting that the State of Michigan attorney general offer me a restitution amount greater than 150 million to me and each and every victim of Bethany Christian Services, Inc. and the State Of Michigan to be received no later than 12noon on December 25, 2023.



*I am also requesting that the American Government peacefully remove King Alexander of the Netherlands and place King Alexander and his unknown-to-most biological Jewish Father on trial. They head a terrorist organization referred to as Tikkun Olam/The

Agency/The Company with heavy roots in L.A. and Sacramento, West Michigan, and counties in America that are scapegoating the silent genocide of the Gentiles. I want the silent slaughter of purebred Dutch

infants to cease through abduction-to-adoption services located in

hospitals worldwide, organized through Bethany Christian Services, which is anything but Christian. What?

Read my book, I Remember Heaven Before Earth and learn what Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company in conjunction with Jew FBI Directors and Janice Hooker and her partner Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel

absolutely do not want made known to Americans and others:


Over one-million paperback copies sold in Europe, click-on the author's name for photos. Queen Anna Pavlovna of Russia is also on Putin's family tree. Claus Von Amsberg is the author's biological father, and Beatrix, his wife, the former queen of the Netherlands, is the author's biological mother. The author is the only biological offspring of Claus Von Amsberg and his wife Beatrix of the Netherlands. Claus not raising his only child is a sadness that stayed with him until he died in 2002. Beatrix had a private ongoing relationship with a Jewish businessman in the Netherlands. Prince Claus Von Amsberg was just her public husband that Beatrix's parents approved of for marriage. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands had three sons with her Jewish lover in the Netherlands. CIA, Heads of State, and Royalty around the world know of this secret. The author was told by her abductors she was marked "stillborn" on her Dutch birth certificate and then smuggled out of the Netherlands to the Dutch Antilles where her kidnappers Chuck & Cindy Vander Ark brought her to Florida and then Chicago and then West Michigan. Chuck & Cindy spent 3 weeks detained in a Florida port jail for bringing her ashore with no paperwork. As a child and young adult the author has been approached in the 1970s and early 1990s by members of the Royal Dutch family. She thought they all were mistaken. The author's American adoption papers are marked April 7, 1971. The author is willing to offer a sample of her DNA for testing to the Dutch Government to prove her royal lineage, a lineage that a terrorist and criminal organization called "Tikkun Olam" does not want discovered.
The beginning of the author's unique memoir begins during the Civil War, during another lifetime lived as a young southern girl named Lilly. The middle of the book explains how the author arrived in America as a baby in this lifetime. In the lifetime lived now she actually begins to write her story on a paper canvas, many mysteries in history never forgotten by her are now finally told by her. In modern times as an infant the author writes how she was brought into America's human trafficking booming business. The reader experiences the exposing of the crimes and scandals as if catching the individuals within the crimes now exposed. The beginning of the author's story begins in a different time, during the outbreak of the Civil War in the South.....The Atlanta Buckhead roads are worn trails of dirt. As one enters an established home with walnut hardwoods greeted by a Black mamme named Bessy with bewitching eyes and youthful radiance, one realizes that the year is sometime before the ravaging Civil War blazed through Atlanta. The front door shuts behind the reader and the author leads you through her former father Morgan's Buckhead mansion he had built in the mid-1800s'. Bessy would gather with other slaves behind the ol' barn in the wee hours of the full moon. Not able to sleep, the author named Lilly in the 1800s, would follow the sounds of the chanting and parading fire to find the house servants in a trance stomping on the weeds outlining a path in the backyard. Mystified at the practice of voodoo rituals carried on by Bessy the Black mamme. Lilly speaks up the next morning as Bessy prepares breakfast. Learning Bessy had used the seven jars of sea water to cast a powerful voodoo spell on Lilly and America. The author (Lilly/Lori) dies in the South after a slip and fall from a magnolia tree in 1864. It would be many years later that the author becomes Lori in a new lifetime as a baby brought to America on a cruise ship as an infant from the Dutch Caribbean Islands. Beatrix of the Netherlands and her Jewish lover's organization "Tikkun Olam" are very involved with the silent genocide of Dutch infants. The author suggests that the criminal organization "Tikkun Olam" be brought to trial. The author knows "Tikkun Olam" operates through mayors, police and FBI to remain hidden, and ongoing.
 The Jewish-run American media keeps the unassuming and uniformed American people in the dark so that Tikkun Olam can work undeterred behind hospital walls, basement torture chambers, and cement burials. The author's three non-biological brothers: Richard Craig Vander Ark, David Lee Vander Ark, and Michael Allen Vander Ark- witnessed from 1959 to 1978- infants and children that were marked Gentiles, being brought to Cindy (their biological mother) in Lamplight Estates in Jenison, Michigan to be tortured, murdered, and then handed back to be placed in cement projects in West Michigan. All the while Jewish police, councilmen/women and Jewish detectives, embedded into the community, belonging to Tikkun Olam, watched the horror unfold and pushes out anyone gossiping in the tight-knit West Michigan society concerned about Jewish criminal activity.  


13 September 2023


Dear Chicago attorney Jonathon Baum at Katten Muchin Roseman, (attorney Baum is related to Det. Baum)


*There is no federal statute of limitation on Human-Trafficking. West Michigan is the hub for Human Traffickers. Bethany Christian Services, Inc. is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with vast tentacles of power and influence within communities worldwide. Contained secrets of what is going on behind closed doors and sealed abduction-to-adoption files is a driving force, almost pinnacle in understanding a wide-array of cover-ups within criminal cases, but for how long? There is a clear pattern of Jewish led city and county councils with Jewish operated hospitals in-charge of police and mayors in areas where there is also a heavy presence of Dutch, German, Polish and Russian Gentiles (non-Jews) that disappear or are found murdered-by a group. The truth is considered "Politically Incorrect" and therefore, apparently viewed as worthless knowledge to render. The other pattern clearly recognized by me, is Jewish owned and operated subdivisions. Again, thieving by Jews, from my Georgia' Rowland Springs Estates lot line of Jew Mark Stevenson snatching a half acre of land behind my back, to credit cards of mine in 2015-2020. Bartow County authorities then record the land theft, and make the illegal appear legal. Again, a common occurrence with Jews taking and dictating. Then, you have CIA General David Petraeus who has been a pedophile since at least 1970. The Jewish criminal organization Tikkun Olam is connected to Bethany Christian Services, Inc. Petraeus utilizes BCS, Inc. for children to molest. Jim and Cindy Appel murder for him when he is done, a practice since at least 1970. Cindy utilizes residential and commercial cement companies in West Michigan and Texas to dispose of the dead victims. The Jews in conjunction with BCS, Inc., use Petraeus to close cases. Are you starting to recognize the layers of prosecution protection the criminals umbrella themselves with, in order to continue committing crimes? Petraeus is afraid to murder me because of warnings given by Putin. Usually, Petraeus will go to great lengths to make me appear non-credible by using resources to remark I am crazy- preferred on medical letterhead, community health forms, pushing police to do his dirty illegal work for him. And as long as no one is really investigating all of this information- Petraeus does not have to bribe professionals- but has in the past.  Once a week, at least once a week since they moved in at 11 Altar Rock Ct. NE in Cartersville, Georgia, John and Brooke will step out of their house, stroll down to the end of their driveway and shout at my house “Petraeus thinks you-Lori are c-cc-rrr-aaa-zzzz---yyyy!” And then they walk back in their house. OMG


I am seeking a large law firm with many positive resources to represent my interests. I am seeking pro bono representation. This is a huge opportunity for you to make a huge difference in the course of what is going on illegally on the domestic scene and internationally. I am seeking to file a lawsuit, this is why:


I would like to hire an attorney to file a lawsuit on my behalf (the plaintiff) for the negligence and blatant corruption of the following. The defendants named in the lawsuit would be: The State of Michigan, the Ottawa County Probate Court, Bethany Christian Services, Inc. and the woman Cindy who abducted me was working for Bethany as an unlicensed R.N. and unlicensed caseworker. Cindy and her husband Chuck Vander Ark (a builder) then filtered my adoption through BSC, and raised me. Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel abducted Baby Paul Fronczak in April of 1964 and then in 1970 abducted me while her and her husband Chuck Vander Ark were on a cruise to the Dutch Antilles. The couple came ashore holding a baby (me), then they were detained for 3 weeks in a Florida port jail for having no paperwork on me. Cindy explained that Bethany had a probate judge on the human trafficking payroll send paperwork down to Florida so that Chuck and her/Cindy could be released from jail. The Bethany Christian Services paperwork of my abduction-to-adoption file opens a lid into Bethany Christian Services, Inc. being a major company into human trafficking and all the illegal-made-legit components exercised by Bethany Christian Services, Inc. Illegal activities made to appear legit on paper is common practice for BCS, Inc., as is the abducting and selling of babies and children domestically and internationally. Bethany has only grown in power since Baby Paul Fronczak was abducted in April of 1964 by Cindy from the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. Currently BCS, Inc. has ongoing, working contracts with each State in the United States.


Communist China owns a portion of Bethany Christian Services. Cindy told me during my formative years in the 1970s and 1980s, that if I went to the Ottawa Co. or Kent Co. police or FBI in Michigan- nothing would happen- no arrest of her- and I would be viewed as “the problem” in a vast and powerful human trafficking company that has probate judges and FBI and police on their payroll. Oddly, in the fall of 2002, I went to the Kent. Co. Grand Rapids, FBI- agent Moore knew who I was, and stated the reason the State of Michigan did not remove me from Cindy’s household is because the FBI thought Cindy would do me in. I want just compensation and I have the proof of my illegal-made-to-appear legal American adoption. I have been to the police and FBI, Cindy was 100% correct, the West Michigan police and FBI are corrupt.


Now, I just want restitution for every authority in America-especially West Michigan that has jurisdiction over this matter, and turned the other cheek to accommodate the ongoing human traffickers working for the world’s largest human trafficking organization, BCS, Inc. Please contact me, no text, 1.470.315.4546 is my residence line. I want restitution for 53 years of hell. The case is potentially a Class Action lawsuit. The case is most definitely a heavy Governmental Liability case involving a company Bethany Christian Services that has ongoing business with each State in the United States. This is a case of huge human rights violations involving the State of Michigan, government municipalities, and criminal civilians that are abducting and receiving protection from prosecution for their criminal involvement in the State of Michigan-Bethany Christian Services criminal business affairs. Municipal litigation and commercial litigation, criminal negligence and participation of the crimes on the part of the American Government that remain ongoing State business and almost non-exposed illegal business due to all the parties and governmental entities involved with the ongoing crimes against me and other victims of abduction-to-adoption cases. 

Communist China owns a portion of Bethany Christian Services. Bethany Christian Services has payroll power and judicial power over American probate courts, the FBI, and many police stations, politicians, and lobbyists. And what I discovered today from Rob Howard an attorney in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Bethany Christian Services has a roster of attorneys in Michigan on payroll. In turn, Russia is using China as China plays both sides of the card> Russia and America. Needless to say, there are so many victims, some dead, some alive. And most of all, a sincere lack of concern legally for the betterment of society, especially given this information and to do nothing is a strike against human rights.


I want powerful people to side with me, assist, and support my values. Bethany Christian Services is a private adoption agency that has grown tremendously in size and power grips into governments with almost no regulations or investigations. Bethany is a giant that bets on continuing business privately, whether illegal or not, betting their payroll roster is long or anticipating law firms ripe to file a lawsuit against Bethany Christian Services realizes the daunting task and resources to take on Goliath will detour the weak and weigh down the strong.  


*I have lots of evidence of my substantial claims.

 Lori Vander Ark-DeBartolo

Visit online:



Predator and major criminal, responsible for a multitude of abduction-to-adoptions, Cindy Appel and her third husband Jim Appel and his biological offspring are uncaught serial killers with police and FBI as partners in so many abductions, that their murders they commit, and Cindy Appel's biological sons commit, are thus scapegoated by American authority in-charge of prosecuting the homicide cases, as if avoiding the Governmental Liability located within just about every Bethany Christian Services adoption file- sealed evidence to protect the ones doing the abduction-to-adoptions. Cindy was never an individual criminal- that's a pinnacle reason why authority in Michigan does not want adoption files opened. Michigan would like for every adoption file to stay sealed, and dust to collect on the evidence. Russia is not looking the other way.


Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel

DOB: December 13, 1934, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

lives at: 709 Waterview Ct.

Grandville, Michigan 49418

CALL Cindy Appel at: 1.616.457.2036, Cindy is very active. Cindy will brag about her crimes, with details never released.


BOLDLY Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel, with Chuck Vander Ark, and members of the Grand Rapids, Michigan FBI and the Ottawa County Police in West Michigan along with the Ottawa Co. Probate Court abducted Baby Paul Fronczak in 1964, and later in 1970 abducted me overseas. To this very day> that Jewish criminal organization called Tikkun Olam is involved with Bethany Christian Services. BCS remains very active abducting infants and children with Janice Hooker and Cindy Appel in 2022>Cindy Appel brags. The DOJ looks the other way to fund the FBI criminal acts with BCS as the DOJ allows the criminal activity to continue. Russia does not look the other way. Russia is preparing for Judgement Day on America and Columbia. Russia has all the abductions-to-adoptions files. Another reveal to international investigators interested in what is going on in America> From Jewish law firms in Florida> Farah & Farah, to law firms in the South; Motley Rice Attorneys. On up to larger law firms in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Atlanta, Grand Rapids-Michigan, San Francisco, all law firms in America, practicing law in America, is exactly that, "practicing law" and have stated to me in the past they have a conflict of interest. Every war is about>conflicts of interest. American law firms and USA courts believe it is o.k. for an American organization to abduct an infant or a child, change the birthdate of the victim, create a new birth certificate for the victim and then sell the child again into servitude and sexual slavery, a very common practice with predators in America. The first sale of the child being when the abductors sell to Bethany Christian Services, Inc. What if other countries with nuclear arms disagree with the corruption of America?

​Nuclear fusion is the process by which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavier one while releasing massive amounts of energy. What? More info for the New Government:

Create a BILL and make into Law ASAP:

Each person will have their fingerprints and DNA samples next to their social security number. Each year it will become NEW government law that each citizen has a yearly update added to the former fingerprint + DNA data profile. The yearly DNA data profile and yearly fingerprinting of each person is not replaced by the former, but rather is regulated throughout a person's lifetime for preventative measures.


***Locations such as the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department in West Michigan and the County and City Councils located in West Michigan and the Mayors will hate this law. FBI Director Wray is a prominent member Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company, placing genetic Jews- Jews with Jewish bloodlines just like him- at the top- ensuring the serial killers that are employed by Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company- remain free to kill, kidnap and torture, and murder again and again- just as long as the primary targets are Gentiles. How do I know this? Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel.


The word Apocalypse has two completely different meanings. One word description is derived from Greek origin, meaning "to uncover or unveil or disclose". The second meaning for the word Apocalypse is "total destruction." Both meanings are appropriate in context to our times. Don't believe me? Keep reading/reviewing.


*****Robert Howard an attorney at law at Bos & Glazier, PLC, a division of Cunningham Dalman, PC located in both Grand Rapids and Holland, Michigan at 1.616.392.1821 and 1.616.458.6814 and 1.616.451.3869 will be the first to tell anyone that each and every law firm practicing law in the State of Michigan has a clear conflict with representing anyone abducted by Bethany Christian Services and the State of Michigan. Each State in the United States is paying-off attorney firms since the 1950s to not accept representing an abducted victim by filing a lawsuit on behalf of an abducted victim. Making it impossible to file a lawsuit in the State of Michigan against any entity responsible- and there is huge Governmental liability on the part of America. States are going bankrupt, accumulated debt! Not from paying financial restitution of making a right from a wrong by States paying the abducted victims any financial restitution, but rather States are keeping all the licensed attorneys well-paid. It would have to be a world-power such as Russia to take-over America to stop the ceaseless, endless abductions-to-adoptions by Americans. I am not a spy. I am a victim. NO attorney in America is willing to assist. Don't believe me? Email:

This is not a communication problem from me. This is an American Government problem of corruption, vast gross negligence, and ignorance to all I have properly communicated to all the correct jurisdictions. In Jr. High at Jenison Christian Jr. High, in Jenison, Michigan during the 1980s, a Social Studies teacher read an article from Newsweek Magazine concerning Bethany Christian Services abducting infants and children and creating new birthdates, often including a new birth year. What is Bethany Christian Services, Inc? BCS is an adoption agency headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, fiscally set-up as a non-profit organization with locations in China, Africa, Columbia and throughout North America. The teacher read that 1 in every 6th infants born domestically and internationally would be abducted by Bethany Christian Services and for us ladies to think twice about giving birth in a hospital as we reach the age of adulthood, marriage and family. The teacher explained that Bethany Christian Services receives Christian Reformed donations and donations from Jewish organizations as well as Congress. The teacher went onto explain that "someone in the room" was going to alter the current course that America/USA is on. The teacher went on to state that West Michigan is the headquarters of the world's largest human-trafficking organization. Adding, that strategically Michigan is geographically ideal for transport routes. The teacher stated that the police and FBI are on the payroll of Bethany Christian Services to ensure silence and cooperation when abductions-to-adoptions are organized and carried out on victims. The teacher stated that residential and commercial cement companies located in West Michigan have been known to bury infants "under the cement" that do not make the journey and children of all ages that are abducted by means of Bethany Christian Services that do not accept drugs and brainwashing of their new life and dire calamity-also buried. The teacher informed the class that Bethany Christian Services is not a Christian organization- but rather a veil covering the real operations of a working company. The teacher stated that many of us in the classroom have parents that work for Bethany Christian Services and that "those parents" have committed many crimes that more than likely would go un-prosecuted and never reach a courtroom jury.


Cindy Honderd-Appel of West Michigan told me many years ago that Madeline McCain was abducted overseas, drugged, and adopted out through Bethany Christian Services and that the Ottawa County sheriff's detectives know this fact. Cindy told me that if DNA surfaces- the detectives would claim that there is "no match that Madeline McCain is who she is genetically speaking" and that Madeline McCain's abduction case, just like all the abductions-to-adoptions would remain unsolved or scapegoated away from Bethany Christian Services. Cindy was adamant and confident on these facts. Cindy Appel told me that the motive Bethany Christian Services had to kidnap Madeline McCain was a retaliation motive against the parents of Madeline McCain. Cindy told me that Madeline McCain's parents had blown the whistle on what was occurring in U.K. hospital environments in Europe, where McCain's parents' had claimed newborns being born were being injected with a comatose drug and smuggled out of Europe by certain entities. Cindy Honderd-Appel told me that the parents of Madeline McCain "blowing the whistle" on suspicious hospital activity- where the McCains worked and had observed something suspicious one-year prior to the abduction of their Madeleine McCain- was a retaliatory abduction on the part of Bethany Christian Services, Inc. The Ottawa County Sheriff's detectives and staff will detour any interviewing and investigating of Cindy Appel> who remains a member of Tikkun Olam- a criminal organization that wants Jews to reign. If you do not believe me, please contact detective Jacob Sparks and detective Jeremy Baum.

2022> Georgia USA Plates RXV 6727 Buick Enclave SUV New or Newer, Dark Color, possibly midnight blue or blackish. Driven by Janice Hooker in my neighborhood of Rowland Springs Estates in Bartow Co. Georgia. Janice Hooker stalked me in 1998-2000 in Wayland, Michigan, and now she is back in 2022 stalking me in Georgia USA. The GBI (the Georgia Bureau of Investigations) and the Red Bluff Police Department in California has received well-over 5 complaints from me in 2022. Janice Hooker works to kidnap for hobby- sport for the American Government, and therefore authority will not charge her!!!! The Bartow County Police (Georgia/USA) have told me that she was visiting Rick and Julie Biesiadecki at 53 Roberson Drive, Cartersville, Georgia and that is why she was in my neighborhood. Gather from the Wayland City Police case #211-04>unsolved MI.

***Then again on September 13, 14, 15, 2023> Janice Hooker and Dave Stager were back in my neighborhood in broad daylight hanging out in my cul-de-sac, stalking me, waiting for me to leave my house. This time, just like on Nov. 28, 2015 (afternoon) Janice Hooker and Dave Stager in Bartow County, Georgia USA> a yellow helicopter with no tail number hovered 50 feet in my cul-de-sac, ready to assist the kidnapping of me? The only reason they failed, I just did not leave my house while they parked + hovered. OMG! The Bartow County 911 and Sheriff Milsap is blatantly corrupt to not arrest them! I want them and their criminal organization jailed NOW! The motive of Janice Hooker and Dave Stager? It is what I know about Bethany Christian Services and their involvements with Cindy. Jim Appel, Cindy's third husband is related to Julie Biesiadecki living at 53 Roberson Drive, Cartersville, Georgia since 2020, (Rick and Julie Biesiadecki are Jews through DNA, not religion, just as Jim Appel is a Jew by DNA, not religion). Cindy Appel (the woman who abducted me and then raised me as an adopted child) Cindy told me in 2022- that Rick and Julie Biesiadecki are traveling and abducting children each week, and then selling the children to Bethany Christian Services for income. Cindy informed me that Bethany is providing Rick and Julie >the company vehicles to abduct and paying off the Bartow County (Georgia) Sheriff to create an umbrella of protection for the criminals! 

apocalypse (n.)

late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church Latin apocalypsis "revelation," from Greek apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo "off, away from" (see apo-) + kalyptein "to cover, conceal" (from PIE root *kel- (1) "to cover, conceal, save"). The Christian end-of-the-world story is part of the revelation in John of Patmos' book "Apokalypsis" (a title rendered into English as pocalipsis c. 1050, "Apocalypse" c. 1230, and "Revelation" by Wycliffe c. 1380).

Apocalypse- a reveal, to uncover, leads to total destruction of former beliefs, will lead to a cataclysmic event.


Here is a link to information I have publicly posted, mostly unsolved or scapegoated notorious true crime cases. I am a victim in a whirlwind of notorious criminals never brought into the light of justice to receive a court trial. The non-apprehended woman "Cindy" who abducted Baby Paul Fronczak from Chicago in 1964, also abducted me in 1970, overseas. The crimes remain unsolved. The gunman-watchman in the baby heists from 1960-1978 was Mr. Cline, an FBI agent from Kent County, Michigan. Mr. Cline is also the Zodiac Killer.
Interview Mr. Cline's children born in the 1960s. All of the Zodiac Killer's children were first abducted by Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel in the 1960s and then each received adoption paperwork through Bethany Christian Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Birth certificates were issued through Kent County or Ottawa County probate court. A common practice for the powerful human-trafficking organization. As much as I have pointed out all of this information, the evil American Government treats all victims less than human, no value, and left to swim against the current to prove anything. The American Government is "bothered" by me for posting this information- and let's not forget for decades bringing enough facts forward for the perpetrators to be arrested. 

Interview Paul Cline, "the original" Baby Paul Fronczak from the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago that was abducted by Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel under an assumed name and nurse uniform provided by the FBI (Mr. Cline/the Zodiac Killer) and an organization out of Bethany Christian Services of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Paul Cline was born April 6, 1964 (Chicago). Then there is Sheri Cline-DeBartolo who is his non-biological sister, who was also abducted by Cindy and Mr. Cline then Sheri also adopted through BCS. Sheri Cline-DeBartolo lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan and has been a hairdresser owning her own hair salon for years. Then there is Tom Cline, also abducted in 1969 by Cindy and Mr. Cline and then adopted through BCS. Tom Cline lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is an electrician. Then Amy Cline, same story, first abducted by Cindy and Mr. Cline in 1969 and then adopted through BCS, with a pattern of Cindy and Chuck Vander Ark playing an additional paperwork role of being the adoption caseworker, but in reality are unlicensed case/social workers, and/or an unlicensed R.N. nurse. No one questions what is sealed by the American courts. No transparency. Often birthdates, years and victim names change through BCS criminal protection measures. Mr. Cline is the Zodiac Killer and Chuck Vander Ark is D.B. Cooper. Both men worked in the 1960 and 1970s for Bethany Christian Services, just like Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel> abducting infants and children> they worked together as a team. Within my adoption file is a Letter of Recommendation as required by American law to include in an adoption file. The Letter of Recommendation was written by FBI agent Mr. Cline the Zodiac Killer. Mr. Cline wrote hundreds of adoption Letters of Recommendation for the adoption files at Bethany Christian Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


I graduated from Unity Christian High in Hudsonville, Michigan in late spring 1988. I graduated with a girl named Sheri Elgersma. Sheri Elgersma told me during our high school years that her father would sell infants to Bethany Christian Services for $10,000 per infant, and he only needed to sell 20 infants per year to reach his yearly goal of an income for his family of $200,000 per year during the 1980s. At the 10-year class reunion in 1998, Sheri Elgersma surprised me at the B.O.B. (Big Old Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan) by telling me she now works for Bethany Christian Services, Inc. as a supervisor. I had a one-hour conversation with Sheri Elgersma at the 1998 class reunion. OMG. It is an everyday occurrence at Bethany that an abducted infant or child is brought into a home. It is also an everyday occurrence that the State of Michigan issues legitimate birth certificates on stolen infants and children, and it is also an everyday occurrence that the police and FBI assist in the transactions. JUST LIKE WHAT CINDY HAD TOLD ME IN THE 1970s and 1980s during my formative years in West Michigan. OMG!


The current American systems are British-based systems that are widely acceptable systems throughout Europe and many parts of the world. There are many British things I do like- but when it comes down to the judicial systems- I believe like others believe that there is much room for improvement. The current American systems are based on trust and an inherent undercurrent core need located in all of us to believe authority is positioned well to essentially "take care of the bad guys and protect the good people." Trust is not a loose word. Trust is the unseen tightly woven fabric that holds societies together. "Trust" is easy for a criminal or criminal organization to abuse. "Trust" is a foundation a criminal or criminal organization may indeed abuse again and again to commit unspeakable, unfathomable acts upon others. Such unspeakable, unfathomable acts of convicting and locking up the wrong person or persons for a crime committed so that the real criminal or criminals escape justice and elude capture enabling the real criminals to continue undeterred. What? Many criminally based police stations and corrupt prosecutors may not have kept records since 1950 of what has been occurring to the Dutch, German, Polish, and Russians, and all the hobby murders in-between of a vast, worldwide criminal Jewish organization at large. Non-record of not keeping record, or fake records created or the concealment of records are means criminals use to survive. The non-exposure, the non-knowledge = survival for a criminal. It's simply Math 101.

Why would a non-Jew become a participant in a Jewish-based worldwide criminal organization known as Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company, if not a Jew? The 1950s Jewish-based criminal organization that targets Gentiles, especially in highly concentrated areas of Dutch, German, Polish and Russian regions offers criminal prosecution protection to its members, not non-detection from a crime they may commit, but prosecution protection to not land in jail. To a serial killer, it is their bread and butter.
Where are these criminals meeting and congregating to discuss their next crime? During the 1970s and 1980s I learned in West Michigan, that the criminals meet in small groups in fellow member's homes, church basements and church designated meeting rooms and church meet and greet large foyers following church services.
The truth is politically incorrect, carrying a stigma hushed in societies by the ruling classes, that if the truth is politically incorrect, the truth is also then tossed out as having value.
NOT Re-opening tragic cold cases that remain unsolved or scapegoated is cold, acting with malice intent on the part of America. Jane Dystel (literary agent) is friends with Irene Goodman (literary agent) is friends with Dan Mandel (literary agent), is friends with agents at The Writers' House, and since 2018 they have created a literary blockade so that my unpublished big think nonfiction manuscript, I have titled, The Woodpecker does not receive literary representation-anywhere! Many- prefer the serial killers hired and paid by the Jews and working for the Jews to murder Gentiles remains undeterred. What? Keep scrolling down to you get to the end. Learn what goes on behind city/county doors and why Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel- chose the Jews. Cindy Appel has been good friends with Irene Goodman since the 1970s. Irene Goodman and Cindy abducted many Dutch, German, Polish and Russian infants in the late 1960s to mid-1970s with their Jew criminal partner Janice Hooker aka alias Melody Stager. They are all very wicked-but you may not know that fact, a real Jewish network of organized torture and kidnappings and murders. The criminals present themselves as good, they are far from good. Irene Goodman has Jewish relatives and Jewish offspring operating the Cartersville Post Office in Georgia (the South), and Bartow County Departments in Georgia (the South) and many West Michigan Ottawa and Kent Co. Prosecutor's Offices in order to maintain an umbrella of prosecution protection on what the Jews have done to me and continue to do to me and others that do not have a drop of Jewish DNA in our bloodlines. Cindy Appel abducted Baby Paul Fronczak in April 1964, and many years later abducted me overseas in 1970. A criminal Jewish organization keeps Cindy Appel from the electric chair in California and NO warrants signed for her arrest across the board. Learn what a large criminal Jewish organization has done to keep kidnapping and drugging and torturing and murdering Gentiles. Jew Janice Hooker (non-apprehended serial killer from the 1970s) and a Jewish man (Richard John Biesiadecki) living at 53 Roberson Drive in Cartersville, Georgia 30121, Bartow County, apparently operates city councils and prosecution offices and mayor elections across the board- ensuring when kidnappings and murder come to American towns + cities and places overseas- the hired by the Jews- serial-killers are not caught and charged with murder of the Gentiles. What? Scroll down the marginalized rabbit hole:
***** I am giving this to you straight, the criminals operating Tikkun Olam, in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (Cummings, GA and Bartow County) in conjunction with the American police view this information as a "nuisance" NOT an "emergency." >>>>> My non-biological brother Richard Craig Vander Ark (uncaught serial killer) DOB August 2, 1955 Grand Rapids, Michigan is wearing an "Elmer Fud" hat that mom/Cindy Appel his mother told me he picked out of a box of Jim Appels' located in Jim Appel's Indiana garage during Valentines Weekend 2017 in Delphi, Indiana. Cindy (uncaught serial killer) then raced to Georgia following Valentines Day 2017, the day I received the Valentines Card from her> she had just mailed from Evanston, Indiana, trying to get me to provide an alibi for her and Jim Appel and Ric and Jon Vander Ark for the Delphi Murder weekend 2017, the Valentines Day Moving weekend 2017 that Cindy enlisted the help of her son Ric VA and grandson Jon Vander Ark to move Jim Appel's boxes and items to 709 Waterview Ct. Grandville, West Michigan. Check Indiana U-Haul places +clean+ economical hotels>>
     The Ottawa County Michigan Sheriff's detectives have told me since 1976 (at age 6)- they do not want Cindy's crimes solved, as it will open a whole can of worms into America's human trafficking business of fake documents given out by the State of Michigan- the $$$ headquarters. Hawaii, Indiana and many other States in the USA. What? How is religion, various interrelated religions playing a dramatic role in who is above the law and who is below the law of prosecution? The Red Bluff Police Department in Northern California and the Bartow County Sheriff's Office in Bartow County, Michigan- both have expressed to me since 2022- that they value the criminal work and criminal accomplishments of the elusive Janice Hooker, once married to Cameron Hooker. What? According to many, many, Ottawa County Michigan Sheriffs that I have spoken with since 2008, "they" in West Michigan value forgiveness and not punishments for murders carried out by their members. Cindy told me that each year the FBI facilitates the abductions of over one-million victims that are sold and some murdered-worldwide FBI crimes. The FBI is in-charge of investigating infant, child, and adult abductions. The FBI is located worldwide and is paid by Congress allocated tax-payer money funds to SOLVE abduction cases. The FBI has never solved an abduction case, even though kidnapping across state lines or kidnapping across country/nation lines is one of the FBI's duties, and no one in Congress raises an eyebrow- or questions the lack of action by both police and FBI in comparison to the allocated money spent by Congress, like some slow-moving Darwin study on stupidity and eventual loss of land and government. The FBI never solved Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel and Mr. and Mrs. Marge Cline of West Michigan abducting Baby Paul Fronczak- even though "they" "American Authority in Chicago and West Michigan (Kent and Ottawa County, MI)" has had the information since the summer of 1964, to return Baby Paul back to his Chicago parents. World War III has origins. Prediction for October 2023 through the year 2024> Ukraine and Russia are going to be ceasing fire and join forces to conquer more land to eventually reach America, and end America's human-trafficking of purebred Dutch, German, Polish, and Russian infants, children and adults. The American Government at all levels have been in criminal partnership with Janice Hooker and Cindy Appel for more decades than I have been alive. Even though I have pointed out this evidence to the American Media and American Authorities- the media and law enforcement continue to select "GO" and allow Janice Hooker and Cindy Appel and Jim Appel to continue committing crimes undeterred. America is in serious trouble- other countries have the evidence on America- on the crimes the American detectives working for the FBI and county governments in America- THE WOODEN COFFINS and WOODEN <<<<<<<HEAD BOXES WERE BEING BUILT and BY CHUCK VANDER ARK AT 8271 Curwood Drive in Jenison, Michigan 49428!!!!! Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company would distribute the boxes from Michigan to California and every state in-between! From Michigan to New York and the East Coast to the South! In 1983- 1984 when the Ottawa County Sheriffs detectives were constantly questioning Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark about California crimes as California detectives were hounding Ottawa County Sheriff detectives 1983-1984, Chuck and Cindy listed the house at 8271 Curwood, and sold in June of 1984. Janice Hooker is 100% connected to this very day to Cindy and Jim Appel and the entire Tikkun Olam criminal enterprises that remain on-going!!!! The criminals are active and the government is active The criminals in-conjunction with the farce American Government want no lids open, no adoption seals open. Why is the American Government NOT investigating the notorious crimes? Answer: Over the decades I have been told from police detectives and FBI agents that the American Government is too involved. The government employees that are supposed to be investing- are actually involved with a conspiracy to cover-up the ceaseless- endless crimes! And why does Sheriff Milsap and Detective Mark Mayton of Bartow County, Georgia USA, believe it is o.k. for prolific criminal Janice Hooker to stake-out in my cul-de-sac or surprise me and pull up alongside me while I walk in my neighborhood of Rowland Springs Estates? Janice Hooker> Stalking me numerous times in my neighborhood and walking up my driveway, caught peeking in my windows throughout 2022 she drove a new or newer darker color- midnight blue Buick Enclave- Georgia USA plates RXV 6727. This would not be the first or last time Janice Hooker stalked me. In 1998, I was working as a licensed real estate agent for Smith-Diamond Realty in Grandville, Michigan. I was stationed at one of the 35 new construction subdivisions. My location for several years was Galaxy Estates in Wayland, Michigan. At that time in 1998, I lived and worked out of 405 Discovery Drive in Wayland, MI. One day, a lady waltzed into the real estate model home. She signed her name on my "sign-in" lined pad of paper as "Melody Stager", I instantly recognized "Melody Stager" from my childhood living at 8271 Curwood Drive in Jenison, Michigan from 1977-1984, Melody is Janice Hooker, Cindy's longtime criminal colleague through Bethany Christian Services, Inc. Melody does not spend much time looking around the new construction model home, rather, Melody hones in on me, staring at me, then she leaves. One week later a short blonde-haired man lurches inside the model home during model hours and refuses to sign-in, only introducing himself as Dave Stager. Dave Stager insists that I leave at once with him or threatens to pull out a knife. I instantly make a quick decision to make a b-line for the front door to escape. I then notice that his vehicle is parked on the driveway, a light-colored mini-van. Dave Stager realizes I am not leaving with him, but rather I am trying to escape the situation. Dave Stager then pushes my back towards the open slider mini-van vehicle door jabbing a three to four-inch wide knife against my upper hip/lower back waist area-left side. I could smell a pungent smell so repulsive like dead animal carcass x10 or something- I could visibly notice dark blood stains on the interior sides of the interior walls of his carpeted mini-van. I realize I need to de-escalate the situation. And instead of screaming, I become firm with my personality and begin to ask him a series of questions, such as "why does you mini-van stink like that?" Dave Stager responds that his dog died recently and his wife Melody had asked him to bury the dog but it took three weeks to locate a good burial spot for the dog. The more I asked a few questions in a firm personality the less of an edge or sense of power Dave Stager exhibited. I broke free and ran inside the model home and called 911. I began locking the model home doors, during model hours, only to open the door if it was not "them again." Then, about a month later, a group of them broke into the model home at 405 Discovery Drive in Wayland, Michigan with other people associated with Cindy and Bethany Christian Services- people involved with human trafficking that I know through Cindy abducting me, and growing up in Cindy's household in the 1970s and 1980s. The Wayland, MI breaking and entering and the crimes the group did to me in 1998 turned into a police report at the Wayland City Police, case #211-04, still unsolved and not prosecuted- because at the time in 1998- I was unable to write down or see the vehicle plate no.?? Now- again in 2022> Janice Hooker and Dave Stager (Dave-her second husband after Cameron Hooker got a 104 year jail sentence) is stalking me in Georgia, in Rowland Springs Estates. Janice Hooker and Dave Stager told police that they are friends with Rick and Julie Biesiadecki (Jews for Jesus) at 53 Roberson Drive NE, Cartersville, Michigan 30121, and that is why they are in and out of my neighborhood since 2020, like some legit reason? I have lived at 10 Altar Rock Ct. since 2014. Janice Hooker is a non-apprehended serial killer, and so is Jim and Cindy Appel and a group of them with Jewish lineage bloodlines. Ancestorial Jew FBI Director Wray and Sacramento Major Darrel Steinberg- know that I know a lot. I am not a spy- I am a victim. As a victim of Tikkun Olam I know a lot. The Jews are mad I am alive to talk and post about what I know about what is really going on when Jews are in-charge. The Jews work in a productive organization- a web in their displacing, torturing, and murdering of purebred Dutch, German, Polish and Russian victims. Furthermore, the circles of Jews in-charge act as if nothing is wrong. The Jews hate, unless you are a Jew. The number #1 goal of Tikkun Olam? Since the 1950s- that the Jews are the only race on earth. The Jews eliminate Gentiles covertly. A secret genocide of Gentiles since the 1950s. Really.

American Police Detectives and Police Higher-ups and the FBI are in sync seamlessly utilizing American courts for worldwide abductions-to-adoptions> therefore Det. Sparks and Detective turned Lt. Jeremey Baum of the Ottawa County 616 West Michigan Sheriff's office in West Olive, Michigan refuse to prosecute their fellow criminal colleagues> Janice Hooker and Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel. World War III began in January of 2022- the DOJ never solved anything on this page. SHAME! Review/examine items received by me the adoptee from Bethany Christian Services. 
You, the reader/viewer of 'the big picture here' might be thinking what the criminal organization based in Grand Rapids, Michigan hopes you are thinking- if all of this is true, why are the criminals not prosecuted= can't be true. Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel told me in the 1970s and 1980s in Ottawa County, Michigan, at 8271 Curwood Drive, that "the police, judges, courts, detectives, FBI, township and city council are so involved with allowing the crimes to continue- it's almost considered legal." 

What races of Americans care about this information I have provided to the correct American jurisdictions? Certainly NOT the Bartow County Sheriff's Dept. in Cartersville, Georgia or the Grand Rapids Police or the Kent County Sheriff's Dept. or the Okemos Michigan Police or the Ottawa County Sheriff's offices in Holland/Hudsonville/West Olive, MI or the FBI or the GBI or the Red Bluff Police Dept. in California or the West Des Moines Iowa Police or the Delphi and Evanston Indiana Police or the Sacramento city and county police in California or the San Francisco Police or Mayors or City Councils in all regions- areas-for years- even decades, including all the prosecutors "elected" and placed on ballots by lack of competition? And the media outlet giants from CNN, NBC, Associated Press, CBS, FOX News to New York's Red Marble Media- don't care. Why? It is not the color of the skin, motivations are far deeper in the skin- genetics? Ideologies? Integrity that is or is not hard-wired into a person's DNA? How a person or a nationality of people behave naturally is beyond skin deep- I am convinced based on experiences. Judgement Day? 

*Russia has been preparing for America's Judgement Day since 1964.

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Matt Vander Ark calls us and wants the investigation by the police, the news station and t
Chapter summary page 64 The Beast.jpg
Ric and Me Redwood Forest.jpg
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AG CA letter.jpg

Scroll down this entire page and read and review evidence- just 20 minutes of your time.

1992-1993 CIA Director Leon Panetta said to my face in Atlanta, Georgia "the American people cannot handle the truth." Keep Americans in the dark about what is really going on in the American Government and Hospitals? The benefit? 

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1977- House that backed up to Hager Park. Dave and Mike VA building it..jpg



Powerful issues ferment underneath, scroll down folks. Have you ever heard the Classique saying "and this is why"? Why is Russia and the Russian allies headed for the U.K., the Netherlands, and America? The answers one seeks is here. I want what is rightly mine- my birthright- my Kingdom of the Netherlands. I want it now-I want each and every Jew on this planet to exit overnight to Israel -creating a larger Israel. I want King Alexander of the Netherlands and his Jewish heirs to build a Kingdom of Royalty in Israel- and return my rightful birthright of my Kingdom of the Netherlands-now. Go to a website I created. Private Adoption Institutions that work with the American Government, brainwash children into believing they are not missing, when in fact, abductions-to-adoptions are commonplace in America, where children are being brainwashed after displacement. Institutional communities where predators dominate is somehow acceptable in how American society operates behind closed doors, and publicly victims are shunned, allowing the perpetrators to dominate the issue, and society is the silent bystander. 


I can only "suggest" to all people- first go down the bunny hole right here on this website, keep scrolling, keep reading, keep reviewing to begin to understand so much about rarely discussed subjects from a victim that knows.


Ottawa County, Michigan hardly seems the backdrop for an illustrious criminal enterprising organization called "Tikkun Olam" and referred to by other names "the Agency" "the Company." A scheming and devious criminal organization allowing serial killers to purposely stay free to kidnap, murder, and steal-for them. The criminal organization is politically involved to umbrella criminal activities of their members in many cities, townships, and counties across the board. If one was to test the DNA of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners- one would discover a Jewish lineage link to a vast and powerful organization that is allowing Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel to murder again and again- kidnap again and again- steal again and again- as long as Cindy works for them- the bond of the elusive- almost undetected. Most certainly woven into the structure of government to keep the serial killers out of jail and most media light. Each city, township, and county has a supervisor and board- usually 11 or 12 people that operate and oversee the police departments and the prosecutor's department- to not arrest? To NOT arrest the serial killers that work for them? Apparently so, but no one will know? No one is supposed to know? There is a Jewish man that poses as a Christian that moved into Rowland Springs Estates in 2020- just down the street from me in Bartow County, Georgia- he is good friends with the infamous Janice Hooker. He brags he operates 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam from here to Michigan and from here to Oregon. He brags that he orchestrated the crimes of what happened at 405 Discovery Drive in Wayland, Michigan in 1998 with Janice Hooker. The crimes remain unsolved in Wayland, Michigan from 1998. His wife is related to Cindy's third husband, Jim Appel (Delphi, Indiana- Valentines Weekend 2017) and the many unsolved or scapegoated crimes they committed in the Midwest and Georgia.


Since 1950, for over eight decades now, for over 80 years, the American Government has been aiding and abetting a terrorist organization referred to in some circles as "the Agency" "the Company" "Tikkun Olam" "BCS/Bethany Christian Services"- doing so- right under the gleaming noses of an unsuspecting society. How? Keep reading, go down the rabbit hole of information posted, read my books. At some pivotal point you'll understand why and what the American Government has been keeping from the general public's awareness level- and why! Some foreign countries already know what the American Government is forbidding the American Media to broadcast! The ceaseless USA felony crimes continue at a rapid rate!


Darwin theory at work- I would best compare the American Governments layered power structuring as being similar to a student that never learned how to read or write or figure out basic mathematics- but the system- the people in the system passed that student onto graduation- and a diploma. The unsolved 1977 Deb Polinsky Homicide of Ottawa County, Michigan # 77-00010018 should have been solved no later than August 1977- there is no one that knows this more than the Ottawa Co, Prosecutor Lee Fisher- and the prosecutors that "served Tikkun Olam" for Ottawa County for decades- his predecessors- placed on ballots by Tikkun Olam members- and blindly voted on by the general public. A general population that is clueless, trusting, or simply "does not care, because everything changes anyway." County Detective Jeremy Baum of Ottawa County- his mother is good friends with Cindy and has been since the 1970s and 1980s. In fact, in 1979-1982 his mother/Baum's mother and Cindy, and him, and me (age 9 to 12) would picnic together at Holland Beach in Michigan. He knows as an adult what Cindy is- a serial killer that he would never apprehend due to layers of corruption. Even if his conscious got the better of him and he asked for a warrant- Lee Fisher would never arrest a member of Tikkun Olam- not too mention Lee Fisher's father has been friends with Cindy since I was brought to America by a group of Jews. And then the other layer of prosecution protection on why Cindy Ann Stob- Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel has not been arrested for the 1977 unsolved homicide of Deb Polinsky is the very fact that Cindy abducted so many children and infants and teenagers for the FBI- that my own abduction-to-adoption and Baby Paul Fronzcak's Chicago hospital abduction-to adoption and Deb Polinsky's 1977 mid-summer murder at a pool party at 8271 Curwood Drive in Jenison, Michigan 49428 and the countless murders across America- including the EAR/GSK, California 1977-1980 Hillside Strangler Murders- and the 1979-1985 Snake River Murders and the 1979-1985 New York- New Jersey Times Square Serial Killer Murders and the numerous Quality Inn hotel keys and the 407 or 409 hotel key on plastic and rubber oval shaped key rings that Cindy would collect in her jewelry box will never be solved properly- because the people in-charge of solving do not want those cases solved. Dave Vander Ark- in 1979-1980 placed a hand of a female in the garage deep freezer in Ottawa County, Michigan after returning from New York and then later made an assortment of ceramic-painted glazed ashtrays and ring and necklace holders from a  single female hand mold from the real hand! The hand belonged to a New Jersey middle-eastern prostitute that he dated. He murdered her when she would not marry him while she was pregnant. The deceased female prostitute Dave had dated- he brought her clothing back to Michigan> her dark brown with a pink hue suede boots that gathered at the ankles. Cindy scolded Dave for showing me the items after they returned from New York. It's rumored in the family that the deceased victim had a female infant that is his biological child- that was later adopted and then the daughter of Dave Vander Ark worked with a Jewish crew to nail another for the murder and decapitation of her mother and her mother's friend in New York- then set the room on fire. It's sad, it's terrifying, it's evil, it's exasperating to endure all of this, and I am sure all the deceased victims of Cindy's have also cursed America for all the American Government was in-charge to solve and purposely sits on a case or scapegoats a case, who cares? The American Government blatantly with callous coldness could not be worse. 


How have the Jews in conjunction with the American Government kept the silent genocide of Gentiles secret? Do you know why I remain an unrepresented American author? Or why I am unable to legally, "by policy" present this information to Radical Media Productions? The answer: Jews and Jewish supporters of the silent genocide of gentiles have "media policies" in place to keep this secret> They like placing the wrong man or woman in jail> In America, the U.K., and the Netherlands. Business as usual is good business for them. No one knows? Wrong.


According to Cindy Appel- Tikkun Olam is a Jewish based and funded organization with deep pockets to increase the number of Jews and decrease the number or Gentiles. Cindy explained that one aspect- one angle of Tikkun Olam is voting ballots- placing their own on ballots to operate local, state, and federal government- so that when murder comes to town- the serial killers working for Tikkun Olam are not apprehended, but are able to keep murdering and reducing the number of Gentiles on the planet. Cindy told me that the Bible states that the number of people will be reduced to just 1/3 of the current population and that the 1/3 left on earth will be Jews. Really? Cindy told me that areas that have heavy Dutch, German, Polish, or Russian genetic populations are usually governed by Jews- as those are the target areas to reduce the population of Gentiles by Jewish control of Board of Commissioners and Prosecuting Attorneys directing initiatives to increase and enrich the number of Jewish lives, while diminishing anyone that is not Jewish. Cindy told me it works!


DOJ- Ottawa County Board of Commissioners include Lucy Ebel and Kyle Terpstra, the parents of those two in-charge of Ottawa County, Michigan- their parents were/are very close to Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd- Appel and overseeing many abductions-to adoptions of Dutch-German-Polish and Russian infants. If the infants lived through the abuse- they were lucky- many were tortured to the point of death- buried in residential and commercial cement projects of West Michigan. The Ebels and the Terpstras' imbedded themselves into the Dutch Christian Reformed Community- like so many other Dutch and German Jews that have the motive to eliminate as many Dutch-German-Polish-and Russians as possible through Bethany Christian Services- which is anything but "Christian." Tikkun Olam is elusive and so well-structured within conservative and liberal politics-no one is caught- really caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for members of Tikkun Olam- they look away- and protect the criminals.  I do not believe Cindy Appel and all the members of Tikkun Olam will ever be caught- apprehended- not by their own in-charge. I believe it really will take Russian boots on the ground- American soil to put an end to what has been going on since 1950. The DOJ is too slow!!! Generational abuse by the Jews continue-Jews have no tolerance for what is not Jewish- the Jews eliminate with serial killers.


1967- is three years before I would be born and then abducted by Chuck and Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark- and a group- an organization of Jews that stay under the radar because many are in law enforcement and politics. Mike and Dave Vander Ark told me in the late 1970s-early 1980s that Route 72 on May 10th, 1967 is the highway Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark (mom & dad to them) drove on to return back to West Michigan. Cindy was visiting a high school friend- a female- in St. Louis, Missouri. Background info: Cindy was removed from high school at Grand Rapids Christian High and placed in a special high school for troubled young women that were pregnant out of wedlock in the 1950s. Cindy's friend that moved to St. Louis in the early 1960s is originally from Plymouth Heights in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In high school Cindy became pregnant with "Aunt Carol" from none other than her own brother- Warren Stob. It's a family secret- among other secrets- Mike and Dave VA told me that "dad" (Chuck Vander Ark) picked up 3 boys about their age (Mike and Dave's age in 1967) along a road near Hannibal, Missouri. According to what Dave and Mike told me- the 3 Missouri boys about the same age as Dave, Ric and Mike were approached by Chuck Vander Ark in a vehicle and offered the boys a lift to go get ice cream in town. The boys were never seen again. When I asked Cindy in the late 1970s-early 1980s about the Missouri boys' disappearance in 1967- Cindy told me that the boys were walking along a road and that Chuck stopped the vehicle to talk with them/MO 3 boys, the boys, according to Cindy, Cindy stated that the 3 boys were headed home for dinner around 5:30-6pm on May 10, 1967 when dad/Chuck gave them a lift. Cindy told me that Chuck killed the boys that evening, before daylight the next day- as Chuck feared daylight approaching and according to Cindy- Chuck wanted the boys dead before daylight for fear of being caught. Cindy told me that Chuck killed the two brothers first, then a boy named Billy- their friend. According to Mike and Dave- two were brothers- one was a friend and one was named Billy- but there is more Dave and Mike could recollect and tell me- the Missouri boys were sodomized by Chuck Vander Ark and then suffocated by Cindy "mom" sitting on the three victims chests. Mike and Dave told me that the three Missouri boys were killed by Cindy and then dumped by Chuck Vander Ark- all within 24-hours of the 3 Missouri boys being lured into the car for a ride into town for ice cream- around dinnertime. To this day, I never asked any questions to Mike and Dave, and I do not know if Ric, Dave and Mike Vander Ark were present during the ordeal that led to the demise of the young boys- or if it was hearsay from Chuck and Cindy. Unsolved to this day- and West Michigan does not prosecute Chuck or Cindy Vander Ark- to this day- Cindy brags about many murders that Tikkun Olam allows her to get away with as long as she also murders for the Jews, and then other side hobby murders are swept under the rug too by Tikkun Olam members and/or legal associates! Cindy every year- then every other year would always visit her St. Louis female friend that attended that special high school for troubled young women-pregnant out of wedlock in the 1950s. Then in 1982- Cindy was accused by her St. Louis friend of the disappearance of the Missouri young boys- Cindy fled Missouri-fear of being caught and prosecuted and cooperation of justice-loomed! Cindy still murders and brags. Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel bragging since the 1990s that Jeremy Baum (now a Lieutenant at the Ottawa County Michigan Sheriff's Office) will get her off the hook if anyone from any jurisdiction contacts the MI police.


01 August 2023


Dear Investigator,

You are correct, I-72 did not begin construction until 1971. Perhaps Cindy and her boys had told me too much- confessed too much and then "added" something to make me seem less credible in the journey of talk around the household-just in case I repeated household talk. Like them trying to take back what they had told me, realizing they told me too much, showed me too much- murder mementos- the tennis shoes, perhaps they added Route 72 was the route Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark took back to West Michigan. Cindy never stated where Chuck dumped the Hannibal Boys' bodies. Cindy does not like questions. I never asked her. You may. I am 100% sure of what I overheard and what I was told by Mike, Dave and Cindy Vander Ark, late 1970s and early 1980s. Call Cindy- have a conversation. 1.616.457.2036, she lives with her third husband, Jim Appel in a condo at 709 Waterview Ct., Grandville, West Michigan 49428. Near Jenison.


Cynthia Ann Stob was born on December 13, 1934 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shortly after her/Cindy's parents moved from Chicago. Cindy in August 2023 is 88 years of age. In May of 1967- Cindy was 32 years of age. The number of victims of Cindys' is astronomical. The Michigan and Indiana and California Jews protect Cindy for personal and professional reasons of the Jews. Cindy is part of a greater network of a Jewish Organization called Tikkun Olam. The organization has deep pockets and is worldwide, Tikkun Olam hired serial killers target the resilient races of Dutch, German, Polish and Russian lineages. Motives? The holocaust revenge + the Jews want to be the only race standing in the end- with complete control over media outlets, news, police stations, the Whitehouse, banking, NBC, Hollywood, the literary world, etc. so that no victim of the Jews is heard, or seen or believed. Jews win, because they know how to control, act professional, dominate with a structured ongoing, ceaseless, busy-body continuous plan in all places powerful. Like hospitals, CDC, politics, adoption agencies, educational institutions, FBI, etc. A silent genocide of Gentiles has been ongoing by the Jews.


On one side of the coin all of this information is "Politically Incorrect" and on the flip side- "Correct", it's both- really.


Cindy did not premediate many of her malice murders. Chuck and her spotted opportunity to commit a crime and utilized what she knew and had- to murder- or motivate another to murder- such as Chuck Vander Ark in 1967 as they were driving through Hannibal to St. Louis, Missouri to visit her friend. When Cindy reminisced about the murders  many years later in the 1970s and 1980s- Cindy referred to the murders as the boys from Missouri that Chuck murdered. At first- I did not believe my brothers Dave and Mike Vander Ark- and the murder secrets. Chuck would often make friendly banter, such as, "I'm Chuck Vander Ark- like Noah's Ark- the Biblical Ship." Take Ship + Pa ghost. Which makes sense- the Lost Boys of Hannibal.


Police Stations, FBI, Book Authors and Literary Agents, and News Outlets that are paid, or pay-rolled, or directed by Tikkun Olam will always, I mean always, point the crimes of Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark- elsewhere- directed away- so the crimes are not solved or scapegoated at best and Tikkun Olam Jews win. OMG


1967- Near Hannibal, Missouri is where the crime took place. Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark were on their way to St. Louis. They abducted the 3 boys, and murdered the 3 boys prior to visiting St. Louis. This would not be Chuck and Cindy's first time abducting children not of their own, committing abuse and crimes on children, nor the last time. Cindy is alive and still active- the last murder she bragged about was in 2017- she murdered on Valentines Day Weekend- Delphi, Indiana while taking Jim Appel's stuff back to West Michigan, Jim is from Indiana. The Missouri boys' disappearance in 1967 hit the news while visiting in St. Louis and Cindy's high school friend suspected foul play on the part of Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark. The St. Louis friend has always been suspicious of Cindy- including when and where Cindy "got me from." As I was abducted overseas by Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark.


I remember something else Cindy said to me in the kitchen at 8271 Curwood Drive in Jenison, MI, I did ask a question- I did ask Cindy why dad/Chuck murdered the 3 Missouri Boys. Cindy told me that the 2 brothers were very scared and they were the first to go, then Cindy told me that the oldest got the brunt of the torture, and that sometimes people get so damaged from abuse that they will not be able to fit back into society, so they need to be murdered after the abuse. I asked why again, why wouldn't they be able to fit back into society??? Cindy stated very calmly, that some abuse is too damaging and the victim never acclimates back into society as a person should- so therefore they are murdered.


1967- victim Billy sodomized and murdered by Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark. Three years before I would be born and abducted overseas by Chuck and Cindy and the criminal organization of worldwide Bethany Christian Services. Cindy would like to keep her "murder mementos" inside her jewelry box on her bedroom dresser or her sewing room cupboards. Throughout the various houses we moved to- Cindy would show me the dingy, well-worn men's size 7 tennis shoes from her murdered victim Billy. The white shoe laces, just like the white tennis shoes were almost greyish in appearance as they were so dingy, dirty and well-worn. Cindy-like others uses church as a cover to her evil. Jewish-Christian ministers use Jesus as "the forgiver." Motives for Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark- was Cindy has a sick need/addiction to prey upon anything weaker than her or vulnerable. Make yourself less vulnerable, less weak, do not scream, show no fear, elevated fear is fuel to her fire inside her-almost a need of hers. If she puts a knife to your ear-show no fear. Don't drink, don't do drugs, do not become impaired, sleep with one-eye open and like a wild animal after prey- Cindy and those she motivates may just move on and let you be. If you are really young or really old, in the hospital, laying down, without transportation or an ability to support yourself- she notices. Cindy notices and those she surrounds herself with are usually needy people that do as she requests- or else! In 1985- Cindy was diagnosed by the family therapist Dr. Teri Ann Rosander of Ada, Michigan with Munchausen by Proxy. In 1986- Cindy then murders Chuck after bringing him a cooked meal and his mail to his house. Cindy is diabolical- and if you are not- or she cannot make you diabolical- she gets angry. But most do not know her. Cindy has broken my bones in my foot, leg, toe, nose, and I still do not do as she requests. Cindy complains to her friends and associates and family and churchgoers that I am too strong-willed. I just refuse to do her diabolical will. Cindy's biological father "Grandpa Stob" "Martin Stob" is the never apprehended Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run Cleveland. Martin Stob was born in 1906, in Cleveland, Ohio, later moved to Chicago and in high school to the Great Depression time was a Butcher in Chicago. Stories I know.


*Carter Gent and Julie Brinks of WoodTV Channel 8 News in Grand Rapids have made sure all of this information stays off the local West Michigan News so that Cindy and the group of Jews can keep murdering Gentiles-undeterred.


Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel (goes by Cindy Appel/married to Jim Appel- her 3rd husband) can be reached for comment at: 1.616.457.2036, Jim & Cindy Appel live at: 709 Waterview Ct., Grandville, Michigan 49428. Mr. Cline> featured on the 1969 Wanted Poster for the murder of a San Francisco taxi-cab male driver. Cindy told me that the cab driver asked too many questions about a failed baby heist and according to Cindy who was in the backseat with Chuck Vander Ark- Mr. Cline shot the taxi driver, and Cindy's exact words "was it was gruesome" and "they all narrowly escaped down an alleyway to flag down another taxi cab and get back to the hotel." and "flew back to the Midwest the next day. Bethany paid for the expenses." Mr. Cline wrote a 1970 letter of recommendation for my adoption file- his handwriting, like Cindy's writing and signature, just like Chuck Vander Ark's signature is within numerous Bethany Christian Services adoption files- sealed by the Jews that abduct. Churches donate to criminal abductions with no questions asked- it's big business. Why are these numerous crimes not solved? Cindy is not an individual criminal. Cindy has layers of prosecution protection. In 1989- Bethany Christian Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan arranged for me to meet my biological mother "Diane Marie Bomers". Then arranged at Bethany "the Agency" "the Company" I met Denny Garner- who played the role of "biological father"- we met at Bethany Christian Services. Later, a year later he took me to a rundown house in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Luckily, I also had my boyfriend with me. Denny brought us upstairs in 1990 and showed us the multiple locks on the outside of the bedroom doors. Denny stated that Bethany brings teenage and adult human trafficked victims to his house- not a house owned by him- just a house. Denny told me that he serves spicey food laced with LSD- victims are transported by Greg Umstead (Diane's FBI friend) and his associates to be sold and are told if asked or stopped that the person (the victim) is crazy, bi-polar, schizophrenic. Often vans, helicopters, and pick-up trucks with portable dog grooming trailers transport victims across state and country lines. Denny told me that often victims are held in sound-proof tornado shelters and 1950s bomb shelters built behind a living room den. Honestly, in 1990- even though provided outstanding information from Denny- I did not fully believe him in 1990. Denny told me that Bethany is a human trafficker- a legalized by the American Government- human trafficking system that no one questions. Denny told me that Christmas time is his busiest time of year for him and that he'll go to Meijers' and load up his cart with a thousand dollars worth of gifts to hand out to the 200 assigned kids, now adults, that he/Denny plays biological father to, he is paid by Bethany- a salary to play the role of biological father- just as Diane Marie Bomers is paid a salary to do the same-but no one is actually genetically related- according to Denny in 1990 and later Diane Marie Bomers told me in 2008- it's a hoax- created and funded by Bethany Christian Services. Diane told me in 2008 that her and Greg (an FBI agent) transported in the 1970s and 1980s by hiking in Europe- 10 infants a year- under fake passports with infants in large hiking backpacks- from one country to another. It's unreal. It is difficult information to process. It is missing puzzle pieces to a large criminal enterprise. The motives? Money? Getting away with crimes? Something. Diane Marie Bomers- her two kids she raised-she abducted and just like Cindy processed the paperwork through court and an adoption agency- "the" umbrella no one suspects. Again, what are the baffling motives? Why would someone do this? Why would so many people do this and be criminals? The predator views victims, as less than human, sub-human, and it is always victims (plural) it is never just once with a predator vs. victim. Motives? When a bunny is grabbed ruthlessly by a coyote the bunny stares into the eyes of what can kill, and will kill, and knows more at that moment than a bunny that has never been snatched up. The greatest survival tip from human to human> when the victim/the prey has the gift of relatability towards a predator that initially viewed the prey as subhuman-the chance of survival is extended. If the victim acts out like a victim in all ways, the predator becomes more enticed, more hungry to induce more fear, a greater divide grows, and less chance of survival. The predator repeats, again, etc. The two minds that operate and behave the same is Cindy and her biological oldest son Ric Vander Ark-very similar.


Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel is worshipped in West Michigan by the Jews. Why? Because she does as they want- when they want- she has murdered so many Gentiles it is countless the number of victims! Cindy chose the Jews- because the Jews continually let her murder and get away with as many murders as she wants- no jail! The surname "Vander Ark" means "from out of the ark of the covenant" of God??? Cindy told me that she belongs to Tikkun Olam- not because she loves Jews- but because they allow her to murder and get away with murder- Cindy stated many serial killers that belong to Tikkun Olam- have an allegiance to Tikkun Olam- feel the same as her- including Mr. & Mrs. Cline (Mr. Cline/Zodiac Killer).


Unity Christian High- I once had a history teacher tell the class that "history always repeats itself until history gets it right." What?

"There are clear patterns lodged in history and those same patterns will continually repeat until history gets it right." Do you believe?   


Full moon astrology dates back to ancient times before traditions were passed down in the written form. Lately, the rhythms and cycles of the Moon have seen a resurgence in interest—and sometimes even reverence—within mainstream culture. The most important stories that will deliver a big impact upon society-can derive from unlikely sources. Critical thinking revolutionizes prior beliefs and ideologies.

Somethings need to be said-stated-revealed. The non-apprehended criminal woman that abducted Baby Paul Fronzcak in 1964 from a Chicago hospital- abducted me overseas- where she filtered hundreds and hundreds of abductions-to-adoptions through Grand Rapids' Michigan's Bethany Christian Services. And according to Bethany Christian Services and the Michigan Governor- Gretchen Whitmer-Michigan would rather be bombed by Russia than provide the abduction team of criminals a jail cell- court date- and trial- in conjunction with the State of Michigan paying restitution to the endless steady stream of abducted victims. There is an urgency for all people, all nations and nationalities to read and understand. A shocking reveal- Governor Gretchen Whitmer has known about this information directly from me- including receiving copies of my childhood medical files directly from me when Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was a state representative for Ingham County, Michigan- when I lived in Ingham County. Gretchen Whitmer sent me a letter in response to me exposing Cindy's crimes against children- I have the letter received way back when I lived in East Lansing, Michigan. MIAG:


With all the "junk" filling traditional bookstore shelves, why not read something meaningful and pertaining to our times? So much of the American Government is meshed, interwoven with criminal civilian crimes- creating the world's largest human trafficking organization with those individuals wanting a continuance of crimes and the money and bodies derived from the crimes to continue- and places like the U.K. and the Netherlands are very involved. Identity theft and financial fraud and kidnappings and murders and sales of humans- and the coverups that ensue- from governments involved are commonplace. Often numerous and ceaseless felony crimes committed by the human traffickers are not solved or are scapegoated- a common pattern within the criminal's network. A network that involves religions- and not just one case or one courthouse or one Judge or one religion or one police district.


The greatest security check--your DNA profile should be publicly known by governments and all people- it creates a safer world. How?

Cultures and nationalities have patterns- people have patterns, just like all species have patterns of predictable if not expected behavior within their encoded DNA "patterns". What's behind the badge? My advice to prevent serial killing- and eradicate crime- require by law that each person have their DNA profile within national DNA portals, not just in America- but abroad and in each country. The prevention method of a criminal committing continuous crimes knowing that their DNA profile is stored in a national DNA portal in each country- would make the criminal think twice about committing the crime. A name, such as a surname- is just that- a name- the identity of a name- a name the person was given or gives themselves. Authority would be able to solve a homicide before the sequence of more murders are committed by the same perpetrator(s). The abducted could be reunited with their biological natural family- right away. Think of how many laws are created- have been created-however- not my law suggested to eliminate suffering, loss, and much grief. If social security numbers are required, why not DNA stored profiles too? Placed next to the person's social security number! Or Visa! Or Passport- scanned- so that real knowledge can be learned about he/she, that is beyond surface level of awareness. It's genius! Do it!


Every war has an origin story- get your copy while you still can.


There is a silent, barely exposed genocide of people- that has been occurring behind-the-scenes since the end of World War II. If this reads like a most unusual legal thriller- understand your eyes do not deceive you. The detectives and prosecutors paid by the DOJ-billions-in-a-budget- allocated government funds and positions provided through Congress -will be the first, and are always the first responders to continually make excuses for the civilian criminals and government criminals they do business with- the DOJ has known about this information for many years-too many years. America, like many countries mentioned, do not view or deem "false imprisonment" and "kidnapping" and "Identity theft and financial fraud" and "murder" as crimes that affect them- because they are doing the crimes- they are the doers and not the victims. The very last thing the vast human traffickers want from society is for every person to read my About page and then Purchase, I Remember Heaven Before Earth, and become like Europeans- informed about the origin story of why World War III is occurring, and the active role America is playing, and continues to play and has played since 1950> Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark (now going by Cindy Honderd-Appel) told me in the 1970s that the FBI abducts more than 1 million every year between newborn and 18 years of age- no case of abduction is solved. Cindy told me  apparently the older abducted victims are drugged and placed in a dark room where the only authority seen is the police to let the victim realize there is no escape and no one will help. Cindy Appel told me in 2023 that the FBI has no plans on stopping abduction black market sales of humans with any adoption agency or doctor or hospital or county or city, it is their way of income, and according to Cindy not one hour goes pass without a victim being abducted. Cindy told me that the blonde-haired newborns are marked stillborn and are drugged and smuggled out of areas with high concentrations of Dutch, German, Polish and Russians and that the British Royal Intelligence Agency facilitates European silent genocides of infants along with Tikkun Olam, whereas the FBI would prefer "the sale of" the infant or child or teenager in what the crown deems "not English" and/or the wrong bloodline to exist on earth> I Remember Heaven Before Earth has been published since September 2, 2011. Amazon staff or someone in authority over Amazon continuously removes good reviews of my book and only leaves one review- this has been going on since 2011. Traditional literary agents treat my 2 books I wrote like Pandora's box that should not receive a traditional book contract through a mainstream publisher, I am left to then self-publish. I refuse to self-publish any more manuscripts of mine-written by me. Larry Crompton- a detective- a person who obviously wanted the real East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker/Golden State Killer- Richard Craig Vander Ark (DOB: August 2, 1955) to be caught and stopped- author Larry Crompton self-published in 2010 through AuthorHouse because he wanted this information known- and traditional literary agents refused to offer Larry Crompton a rightfully earned publishing contract to place Sudden Terror on traditional bookshelves, leaves author and detective Larry Crompton to self-publish in an attempt to solve crimes and prevent more crimes from occurring. The American Government- the government Larry Crompton worked for- wanted his/Larrys' information to NOT reach the American people- and NOT to reach traditional bookstore shelves- so that the real criminals would continue and eventually a scapegoat selected in the Spring of 2018 to take the fall for Richard Craig Vander Ark's numerous felony crimes 1975--onward. Ric Vander Ark's longtime drinking buddies> CIA John Brennan lost his security clearance in the summer of 2018 for arranging a scapegoat to place and stick in jail for Ric Vander Ark's crimes and corrupt Paul Holes accepted a "buy-out" from the FBI to retire, + get an NBC show funded and fueled by Jews at NBC called "The DNA of Murder" to then coordinate the scapegoat for Ric Vander Ark. All the while State of California appointed attorneys for Joseph James DeAngelo refused my calls 2018-2020, and another innocent man will die in prison for crimes he did not commit. Just like the Southern California Hillside Strangler Murders of 1977-1980 were pinned on two others so that Ric and Dave Vander Ark and their mother could walk free and continue with other lucrative abductions of victims across America for the American FBI- and for adoption agencies selling the abducted- including victim Madeline McCann. Bethany Christian Services is an adoption agency. Check with all adoption agencies- BCS is the world's largest organizer of human abductions- disappearances- Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker notoriously work for Bethany Christian Services as unlicensed social workers involved with many disappearances-and the movement of the abducted. Cindy told me that often the birthdate and year and name of the newly abducted is legally changed. Again- the illegal-made-legal is a common thread with Bethany Christian Services and Tikkun Olam's worldwide structure of canopied power in governments and religion. The criminals are in plain sight-all the while the victims are kept hidden- unable to be heard by cultures and government suppression that is ceaseless. Again- value systems.


The only book allowed by the American Government and literary agents operating the whole literary scene on this subject matter was co-written by one of their own- a member of Tikkun Olam- Paul Holes- who co-wrote I'll Be Gone In The Dark. Paul Holes had his co-author Michelle McNamara murdered in L.A. when Michelle McNamara scheduled two investigative interviews with the real Golden State Killer/East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker- Richard Craig Vander Ark and David Lee Vander Ark, but according to Ric Vander Ark- it was coordinated. Meaning; Paul Holes did NOT act alone in murder. CIA John Brennan and his associates are known as "the fixers" that fix juries and labs that test and convict. With a flash of a badge- the FBI associates and CIA associates fix any pending warrants. Jews Jim Levine and Daniel Greenberg- acting as "New York publishing principals" for the literary representation and lucrative book contract from a mainstream publishing company for Paul Hole's manuscript-to-book I'll Be Gone In The Dark- Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency. Then the Jews profit financially after the murder of Michelle!


Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel uses many aliases when committing crimes as did D.B. Cooper-Chuck Vander Ark- her husband-in-crime. Chuck is deceased but Cindy still commits crimes. To the right> you can view Cindy's signature as an unlicensed caseworker and unlicensed R.N. (registered nurse) made to appear legal and legit when illegal activities are taking place. The theme of the illegal made legal is a common theme within Tikkun Olam crimes. Cindy is using or created the alias "Agnes Stroo" and "Agnes Vander Molen". Both signatures are very much hers. Cindy remains free, so that she can commit more crimes against Gentiles for Tikkun Olam.


Across America and across Europe Tikkun Olam takes roots within governments and private and public companies and institutions. Tell-tale signs of Tikkun Olam inside an engine making an established- reliable system not work- and not work to the benefit of all people? When I call 911 when I was in Wayland, Michigan 1998. When I call 911 from Bartow County- 10 Altar Rock Ct. NE during a nine year span of criminals robbing me and/or trying to kidnap me. When Janice Hooker is outside one of my side windows looking in my house- I always get the same response from the 911 office "no, it will not be possible for us to send out the police to help you." This also happened in the afternoon on Thanksgiving weekend on November 28, 2015.


Tell-tale signs Tikkun Olam is stationed within detective and prosecutorial offices> solvable crimes remain unsolved or scapegoated so that the serial killers working for Tikkun Olam- elude justice and keep working for Tikkun Olam. Criminal projects- a silent genocide of gentiles that no one is supposed to notice and point out- as I have. Telling the truth makes me unpopular within some cultures. The best way to describe Tikkun Olam; Tikkun Olam is a government entity inside a government that remains at the wheel remarking to others to think or believe I am crazy or delusional as the rodent crawls deeper and deeper into the vehicle engine as the criminal drivers behave as if nothing is wrong with the engine as they sit.


Ross Yoon Literary Agency represents serious non-fiction. One would assume that they would represent my serious non-fiction sequel to I Remember Heaven Before Earth, titled: The Woodpecker. One would assume. But because my serious non-fiction manuscript titled The Woodpecker sheds light on China and Jews operating Tikkun Olam- the lit agents want me silenced- a code of silencing me remains strong with all literary agents in Canada, USA, and the U.K., read on:


20 Million of California tax-payer dollars was spent 2018-2020 to prosecute Joseph James DeAngelo as the scapegoat to then allow Richard Craig Vander Ark and his mother Cindy Honderd-Appel and his brother David Lee Vander Ark and the serial killer organization of Tikkun Olam-to escape justice and continue murdering Gentiles. OMG

The Jews just don't stop- because no one is making them stop killing!


*****In 1986, Grand Rapids, Michigan- Cindy and Jim Appel murdered Chuck Vander Ark. One G.R. coroner was fired for not placing a fictitious cause of death on the Grand Rapids Death Certificate. Another- much younger coroner was then hired that would inscribe whatever Cindy and Tikkun Olam members so desired the Death Certificate to read. Los Angeles is very different from Michigan? The powerful criminals woven with serious connections to the FBI and CIA- are making sure Tikkun Olam continues with murders that appear almost "accidental" or "easily explained away"- like problems.


Sometimes the truth is offensive. Sometimes the truth is really raw. The Jews, the FBI, the CIA, the county detectives and prosecutors involved with Tikkun Olam, the criminal civilians involved with Tikkun Olam- they do not want Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker- arrested- it would open a whole can of worms into USA government involvement into an underground railroad- not the escape of slavery- but the entrapment of slavery, torture, sales of humans, disappearances and murder of the Gentiles- that has been ongoing since the end of World War II and the origin of World War III. CIA Bob Baer told me to my face multiple times that Cindy's actions would cause World War III if exposed to the media and prosecuted in a court of law. I corrected him in 1993- I told Bob Baer- "it's more than just Cindy, it is you, and others involved with Tikkun Olam- Cindy was never an individual criminal- she's not caught-she's like you." Cindy told me that Tikkun Olam steals people's identity every minute of every day- big fraud on a big scale. The American Government has never arrested any perpetrator to any of the ceaseless and numerous crimes that have occurred to me- since I was born, because why? GET WARRANTS! Oh, but that's right, Tikkun Olam operates within governments; Protecting their own so that the real criminals elude justice forever!


******Mayor of Sacramento Darrell Steinberg and the Sacramento city and county police have received information from me- 2018-2022 and select to ignore vital, most crucial information to apprehend the correct criminals> Richard Craig Vander Ark, David Lee Vander Ark and their mother Cindy Appel. Darrell Steinberg is the head of the police, and has been since 2016- he is a Jew who wants Joseph James DeAngelo to be the scapegoat and allow members of Tikkun Olam to continue with bold underground crimes of genocide of gentiles-unnoticed? I notice. I know a lot. And Russia knows. America is doomed for not eradicating Tikkun Olam + sides with Tikkun Olam. 


It is exasperating being me- I am a victim- I am a witness to certain knowledge- and when I go to the American Government seeking help and justice- the American Government pushes back and allows for more and more murders of Gentiles to take place- allowing the criminals to remain free to commit as many crimes as they so desire. All the literary agencies in Canada, the USA, and the U.K. want a lid to stay on all this information from me- as the truth is offensive in many circles. Because the truth is considered offensive- politically incorrect as possibly being the truth- the truth is discarded as being valuable.


The Jewish literary agency scene in New York City is ripe with longtime members of Tikkun Olam. For the longest time literary agent Irene Goodman of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency belonged to the Hudsonville-Jenison, Michigan Tikkun Olam chapter. Irene Goodman is very good friends with Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel, and between the ages of 8-12, 1978-1982, I met with Irene Goodman as she would often talk with Cindy- the woman who abducted me and then adopted me with the assistance of Tikkun Olam members of the Michigan chapters. Cindy explained to me that there is a huge Jewish crew of members in the Netherlands and America that brought me to America and made my illegal adoption appear legal on paper through Bethany Christian Services. Cindy told me during my formative years in West Michigan that Tikkun Olam members realize I know too much about how they operate in America- and I may be murdered for what I know and uncover. Mr. Cline, married to Marge Cline of Jenison, Michigan were involved with abductions-to-adoptions for decades. Mr. Cline is, or should I say was, as he is now deceased the Zodiac killer employed by Tikkun Olam chapters. Mr. and Mrs. Cline are not Jewish by DNA lineage or religion. Mrs. Cline could not have children naturally- and so Mr. Cline became involved in abductions to adoptions. Unquiet graves? In 2020- Cindy Appel told me that one of Jim Appel's relatives that operates over 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam- an organization that abducts and sells and also murders Dutch, German, Polish, and Russian people- has now moved down the street from me in Cartersville, Georgia, Bartow County- and Janice Hooker (Jewish lineage) works for his group- which also consists of the group of Jewish investors- Mark Stevenson (Jew) and Bamford (Jew) that developed the subdivision, Rowland Springs Estates in Georgia. D.B. Cooper is or was Chuck Vander Ark.


Irene Goodman of the New York based literary agency Irene Goodman Literary Agency contacted Janice Hooker's second husband "Dave" on July 13, 2023- to then contact my residence and give me threats that Tikkun Olam members want me tortured and dead. July 13, 14, and 15th of 2023- I received numerous threats from the Marla's brother-in-law that moved down the street from me in 2020 and his criminal associate "Dave" married to Janice Hooker. TH-E Janice Hooker who tortured and murdered countless Gentiles with her husband Cameron Hooker- blamed her husband Cameron Hooker who got 104 years in jail in 1984. Janice Hooker goes by the name "Melody" and changed her name to "Melody" after murdering Marliz Spannhake in 1976 by cutting the vocal cords of the screaming victim- bragging to the police in California and Cindy Stob-Vander Ark in West Michigan that her new name is "Melody" and to call her/Janice Hooker "Melody". So sick! OMG! Janice Hooker's second husband is related to the Ottawa County Prosecutor Lee Fisher- placed on voting ballots by powerful and influential Tikkun Olam. Then Lee Fisher had his son or nephew- Daniel Fisher purchase the actual house where Cindy, Dave, and Mike Vander Ark murdered Deb Polinsky- at 8271 Curwood Drive in Jenison, Michigan 49428, where I lived from 1977 to the summer of 1984- and where Chuck Vander Ark and Dave Vander Ark would build torture wooden coffins and torture wooden and insulated and wired head boxes with lock latches that were built for Janice and Cameron Hooker and also distributed to other thousands upon thousands of Tikkun Olam members worldwide to do illegal but get-away-with felony crimes against the Dutch, German, Polish and Russian Gentiles.  No one will know? In my mind, in my book, Bill Gates is KING for creating the home computer and shame on IBM for not hiring Gates- and then Bill Gates created his own company. Bill Gates is my hero! Mark Stevenson- and Bamford are Jewish by lineage- not religion- just DNA- those 2 had my land re-surveyed to then steal- simply take land and then have Bartow County, Georgia USA record that Rowland Springs Building company now owns what was mine and my husbands. Go back to plat maps from 2012 and compare to 2023. My estate land dwindled from 1.23 acres down to .73 of an acre. I am not the only land victim. Why would anyone file a lawsuit in the county where the county participated in the land crime? Lee Fisher has a relative working at the county where I currently live- making sure they all win. I should say ya'll win? The war is not over- World War III that is- and always understand that I did not initiate World War III- the criminals that remain non-apprehended did.


Identity theft was a huge problem in Europe- Jews were being pushed out of lower regions in Europe to locate homes in upper Europe due to their constant thieving of people's surnames-money-possessions-and property-land. The Jews were notorious thieves to a person's identity-robbing the rightful to get ahead in life. The Jews were desperate as they were being pushed out of one area by angry mobs. The Jews would steal last names of the living and the dead- and then re-structure and re-plant in northern Europe with the same game plan- by structuring their own into managing villages- to protect the crimes from being too noticed- and where their thieving would not land them an execution. Something in Jewish DNA encoding should be studied- but that is precisely what Jews do not want- is research.


The term "modus operandi" is a Latin term that describes an individual or group's habitual way of operating, which represents a discernible pattern. A modus operandi (commonly abbreviated as "M.O.") is mainly used to discuss criminal behavior and is often used by professionals to prevent future crimes. Tikkun Olam has an M.O.- they are notorious for making the illegal- legal. It is illegal- against the law- the U.S. Constitution to kidnap and then filter an adoption of the abducted victim- Tikkun Olam does it daily since the early 1950s. It is illegal to take someone's land and then record the land as your own- Jew Bamford and Jew Mark Stevenson of the Rowland Springs Building Company did just that to me and a dozen other land victims in 2019. You are thinking or saying "that can't be- because that is illegal." But that is precisely what Tikkun Olam does and does with corrupt governments in the U.K., the Netherlands, and America- and possibly elsewhere- that is their driving force- their motivation in life- commit countless crimes and stick together as a group- a circle- a powerful organization operating facets of departments that oversee crimes. The murders of Gentiles are endless and ceaseless- unstopped. Scapegoats are selected by Tikkun Olam- doubles. Janice Hooker and her second husband Dave came to my windows- looking in- I wrote down the license plate of their vehicle- gave the info to the GBI. Then- a month later- a similar man- but not Dave- but claiming to be Dave married to Janice Hooker, stops to introduce himself and attempts to convince me that he is Dave- married to Janice Hooker. That "double" of Dave lives in the third phase of Rowland Springs Estates- and apparently is also good friends with Marla's brother-in-law that operates over 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam across America- just down the road on Roberson Drive in Bartow County- and is related to Jim Appel, Cindy's third husband through marriage. "Doubles" is a Method of Operation for Tikkun Olam- as a way to create an escape, a way to confuse a witness or blur an investigation and continue on to commit more abductions, tortures and murders.


I refuse to self-publish my other manuscripts that I have written since 2011, for fear the same nightmare will continually occur to my literary works, complete disrespect, and no offer of literary representation from a literary agency to then present my manuscripts to a mainstream publisher- leaves me in the cold. Silenced by a ruling culture operating literary agencies to keep my information out of mainstream- where they rule and silence Gentile victims such as myself and millions of other victims that they deem they will and shall silence. I am an excellent writer. I won my first writing contest in elementary school at Greenfield Elementary in Jenison, Michigan. At Unity Christian High in Hudsonville, Michigan I won numerous writing contests during each and every Fine Arts Week. I also scored the highest SAT score- higher than several valedictorians at Unity. I was told by Mr. DeWitt, the school guidance counselor whom was married to a Jew that belonged to Tikkun Olam, that Dutch women like me should stay at home and not enter college.




In astrological terms, a full Moon occurs when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon, which means the Sun is straight across from the Moon with the Earth in between. Because the Moon reflects light from the Sun, this creates the visual effect of a full Moon from our vantage. Conversely, the New Moon lies in between the Sun and Moon and cannot reflect light to us. As such, the Moon is not able to be seen by us at all. It is said to be in full shadow. Criticism of the corruption- is the understatement- please scroll down folks. Ask, A) This is all not true? or B) This is true and the Powerful keep this out of the news media- to not warn people + out of court so criminals remain free? This information is either true or false- war has ensued. Communist China owns a portion of Bethany Christian Services worldwide. Each State in the United States has ongoing working human service contracts with Bethany Christian Services. The police are enablers to the crimes with those involved with the world's largest human trafficking ring- it is the American Government that is enabling Congress allocated budgets to continue raising the debt ceiling to create a continuance of abductions, sales and murders- of course World War III would ensue and has begun- the USA is a big enabler and active criminal component to Bethany Christian Service's crimes. The USA Government then "seals" adoption files to cover the tracks of the kidnappers and doctors and government involvement.


Behind the scenes accounting departments are hired by Tikkun Olam. Mr. Poel was caught stealing money as the treasurer for Georgetown Township in the late 1980s, early 1990s. Mr. Poel stole money from nursing homes- specifically Sunset Manor in Jenison, Michigan-and was caught. The investigation made Mr. Poel appear as an individual criminal- not part of Tikkun Olam- the big picture eludes the general public and the organization continues thieving within school districts, Amazon accounting, and a slue of other facets where the members remain elusive "to take" money and children and adults.


Investigate by interviewing- Jerome "Jerry" Seinfeld and Adam Duritz. If they are not from West Michigan, what were they and their parents doing in Jenison, Michigan? Their parents were visiting Chuck Vander Ark- at my house. I can tell you word for word things Adam Duritz and Jerome Seinfeld told me to my face during the years 1978-1980 and 1990-1993. Their parents are heavy-hitters in Tikkun Olam-secrets.


How can this all be? How can these people NOT be apprehended? Another key factor into the corruption that has gone unprosecuted- and barely into the light of society> Gen. David Petraeus does not want me to be believed by anyone. Petraeus is the former director of the CIA and friends with Cindy since the early 1970s. He is not Jewish, nor has Jewish ideologies towards why he targets children with Cindy. Petraeus plants himself into chaos and upheaval, the destabilization is his trigger to get a hold of children, he is a pedophile, and has been since the early 1970s. He will be the first to call me "delusional" and to go to great lengths to make me appear crazy- utilizing every source provided by the American Government to do so. He is a nightmare that remains at the helm- no one will know? He is making sure that Tikkun Olam stays out of the news- and jail cells. The biggest "delusion" is the image Gen. David Petraeus portrays to Americans and the world- BUT based on videos obtained and released worldwide in 2020 by Carter Gent of WOODTV channel 8 NBC News in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the Chicago based Associated Press- journalist Michael Tarm- Russia is headed for Washington D.C.- in search of what Americans deem "a general." 


America is astrologically ruled by "the moon." And like in all things in life everything reaches a culmination point. The China-Hoover connection began when the FBI was founded by Herbert Hoover. Hoover began his career for China and gained his wealth from China prior to his establishment of the FBI. The roots of the FBI are again traced to Hoover-China. China is playing both sides- China is playing Russia and China is playing the USA. How? China sells to the USA- just about everything and at less tax port taxes than other countries. China has always asked and received from the U.S. President(s)-anything asked and requested- both the tangible and intangible. And since the brink of World War III- a war the U.S. refuses to understand is World War III, China is covering the press for Russia- rather kissing up to Russia- riding along with Russian troops- as China has always been afraid of Russia. Americans are told by other Americans that China is a superpower and the Chinese are "intelligent". To a point. 


Has the State of Michigan or Congress or the FBI ever offered me any restitution for my abduction-to-adoption? The State of Michigan- like all States in America is still in business with Cindy Honderd-Appel and Janice Hooker- abducting and selling and murdering Gentiles. In fact, the Michigan Attorney General told me years ago that "the State" has paid out money on lawsuits- but there is no record for the State to payout any victim of abduction committed by a Michigan based illegal adoption- and that the State of Michigan has "wiped their hands clean of any crimes." They believe the culmination point of their crimes has not reached climax. The States and FBI and the civilian criminals are in the continuance stage of crimes. And Congress willfully raises the debt ceiling- and the accountability is never a factor or concern- because they are in-charge. Every war has origins and Americans are placed in the dark. Cindy told me that Tikkun Olam allows her and Janice Hooker to kidnap, sell, and murder, with no prosecution light, as long as they follow the rules of Tikkun Olam- one such rule Cindy told me was Tikkun Olam fears the NAACP attorneys and therefore the huge organization of serial kidnappers and serial killers are told they cannot murder Blacks-Africans- or they might get caught. Serial criminals seek longevity to their career and do not want exposure or witnesses or jail time- Tikkun Olam provides criminals direction, organizational abilities and legal protection. Read. Review the big picture here. A picture that Tikkun Olam hates. I Remember Heaven Before Earth- and the Jews do not. Rather, the Jews like Irene Goodman, worship what is in the 616 area code. I do not.


I know from my website analytics of demographics- hundreds of thousands of people from around the world come to my site- my website and read and review and analyze data- posted right here.

The meaning and proof of how dishonorable the American Government is day after day, year after year, decade after decade is located further down. Become honorable. 


The name Cindy means "Moon". Cindy Ann Stob was born on Friday the 13th of December 1934-her Jewish-Dutch mother named her Cindy because of the full moon the night she was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 616 (Greek math) and 666 (Jewish math) is the mathematical code of the Biblical Beast that would be born upon this earth. Groundbreaking information overlooked by Society:

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What people do not know- can hurt them

If you are a county or city or district prosecuting attorney or cold case detective- please re-open the numerous unsolved or scapegoated crimes mentioned on this twenty-minute page read into what is really going on in America- and abroad- and America's surrounding territories. Without awareness- change will never occur randomly.

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 "Truth Worth Telling: A Search for Meaning in the Stories of Our Times."

I Remember Heaven Before Earth, memoir series is considered by nations outside the United States as the "Holy Grail" of written documentation that exposes America's corruption- secrets the American Government would like hidden-forever. The truth comes out. The American Government views "the truth" as a threatening exposé of the criminal enterprises that the American Government has been involved with since the 1950s- so much so- that in December of 2022- Amazon removed 65 pages of evidence that I had posted on my Amazon Author Pages of American Government corruption exposed-publicly. Such information I deem very important- and I share with you here- on this website. Learn more- get informed- because knowledge saves lives. The American Government in-conjunction with Tikkun Olam is worth learning about. The criminals would like to continue unexposed. America is causing Nuclear War to occur, America is the origin story. On June 9 - 10, 2023, Presidential JEW FBI Director Mr. Asher Wray, whom is an ancestral Jew and a prominent member of Tikkun Olam, told me over the phone to shut-up about Cindy and Jim Appel and Tikkun Olam. No. On one side of the coin I am Politically Incorrect. On the flip side I am Correct. Heads or tails? It depends what you called in the beginning.



West Michigan (616)- In 1986- a fellow student and friend at Unity Christian High in Hudsonville, Michigan Marla Appel-Geers-Hoeckwater told me that Jim Appel is her biological father- whom is dating Cindy Stob-Vander Ark (1986) the woman who kidnapped me as an infant (1970-1971) and raised me after Cindy filtered my adoption paperwork through Bethany Christian Services. Marla, along with a group of girls- Tracy Hoezee and Linda Poel and others that were my age at that time- joined Tikkun Olam following "profession of faith."  In 1998, the group tried to murder me in Wayland, Michigan. The report turned into a police report at the Michigan State Police post in Wayland, Michigan and the Wayland City Police- 2004 re-opened the attempted murder of me case that took place at a real estate model home in Wayland- on Discovery Drive. Janice Hooker and her new husband from the late 1980s- were seen in and out of the model home- approaching me- threatening to pull out a knife- I never left in their mini-van. In 2022- now in Georgia- Janice Hooker and her husband began approaching my GA house- looking in my house windows- parking in my cul-de-sac, with 2022 Georgia Plates RXV 6727 (Janice Hooker) Buick Enclave, darker, newer.  In September 2022- I gave this information to the GBI- whom are working an unsolved murder case- in Cummings, Georgia of deceased victim Patricia Endres- whom had an extra-marital affair with Marla's brother-in-law Richard John Biesiadecki, and Marla's brother-in-law Rick Biesiadecki (a Jew) and Marla's biological sister, Julie, (a Jew)- moved into my neighborhood in the summer of 2020 at 53 Roberson Drive, Cartersville, GA 30121, Bartow County- and are good friends with Janice Hooker (a Jew)- whom is now stalking me since February of  2022, because of what I know about Tikkun Olam from Cindy Appel and Marla. Cindy told me about the crimes that have been going on for decades. I have also learned from Cindy Appel that Marla's brother-in-law Rick Biesiadecki (a Jew through DNA) operates over 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam across America- an organization that organizes the murders of Gentiles and pays off authority to look the other way. Apparently Marla's biological sister and brother-in-law Rick Biesiadecki (a Jew)  moved into my Georgia neighborhood of Rowland Springs Estates in Bartow County in 2020- are the heads of that criminal organization- with a base office in Canton and Marietta, Georgia under a front company to detour any investigations into the criminal group- going by "the Baptist Association of Georgia" funded by Jews with deep pockets and a money laundering organization fueled by dirty money and donations by churches such as Crosspoint Church in Cartersville, Georgia 30120. Tikkun Olam under various front companies provide "company vehicles" when they murder- I learned that from Cindy Appel. I also learned from Cindy Appel that Marla's Brother-in-law now in Cartersville, Georgia-down the road from me since 2020- in Rowland Springs Estates is a Jew born in Mississippi and raised in Indiana whom organizes for a living- the murders of Gentiles. I then learned that 11 Altar Rock Ct.- Brooke and John- Cartersville, GA- my neighbors for 3 years- are employed by that criminal organization-as are their various vehicles. OMG.  Why are these criminals not arrested? World War III has origins- FBI and Homeland Security ignored 'massive amount' of intelligence before Jan. 6, Senate report says. Gen. David Petraeus "likes" Dutch, German, Polish, Russian victims- Cindy Honderd-Appel and Janice Hooker aid his requests- this has been going on since the 1970s. In early December 2022- Amazon removed 65 pages of information off my Amazon Author About Pages. Amazon has not re-posted that information- such information is posted here. Question: What crucial and vital information and evidence did Amazon or someone in authority over Amazon- NOT want in the public eye? It's here.

Why would I post this information? Answer: I am shocked these crimes have not been solved. Cindy and Janice Hooker told me that my abduction, like Baby Paul Fronczak, and the other hundreds and hundreds of abductions to adoption abuse cases would never be solved. Whose jurisdiction is it to apprehend these criminals? America's jurisdiction. How much does Congress allocate to the police and FBI each year? Billions. The victims are left to die, and the criminals are not.


I have been told by FBI agents and police detectives in Ottawa Co. and Kent Co. Michigan (Det. Venus Dyke/Det. Sara Fillman/Det. Jacob Sparks/Det. Lt. Jeremy Sparks) and Ventura Co. California that the State of Michigan and the FBI (FBI Moore, FBI Wray, CIA John Brennan) absolutely does NOT want my abduction as a newborn solved, taken from a foreign country by Americans and brought to America by kidnappers-my case- along with Baby Paul Fronzcak's abduction opens a whole can of worms into past and the continuous abductions carried out by the American Government domestically and internationally, targeting Gentiles in hospitals, people, infants, not of Jewish bloodlines. Infants not of Jewish bloodlines are plotted against and displaced, murdered, brought to the Dutch Antilles, ABC islands, and minor islands. Interrogate CIA John Brennan and CIA David Petraeus- on these facts. How do they know me? Why do they know me? No one is investigating. 


*CIA John Brennan and CIA Bob Baer are of Jewish DNA and both told me to my face in the early1990s that "Ric Vander Ark, your brother, and Cindy, the woman who raised you, will never be prosecuted, never apprehended, for any murder they commit for Tikkun Olam." Investigate.


1984- Janice Hooker confessed on tapes to the Red Bluff Police Department that she (Janice Hooker) tortured and murdered many victims- including the unsolved yet solvable disappearance of Marie Elizabeth Spannhake in 1976. Janice Hooker apparently maintains a California address according to Red Bluff Police Detective Sean Baxter (2022) and Kevin Hale- Chief Investigator for Tehama County, California. Since 1984- Ottawa County, Michigan has had evidence in boxes (yes-plural-boxes) of Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel- involvement with numerous tortures and murders with Janice and Cameron Hooker. 2022- When I brought forth evidence that Janice Hooker has remarried and is very active in crimes with her second husband- who tried to kidnap me in 1998 (Wayland, Michigan Real Estate Model Home) and February and September 2022 Rowland Springs Estates in Bartow County, Georgia- Det. Baxter stated in an email to me that Marie Elizabeth Spannhake is a 1976 California missing persons case- not a homicide case- as Det. Baxter informed me that Spannhake's body has never been found and that there is no way that Janice Hooker was in my Georgia neighborhood because Janice Hooker lives in Northern California. Are you seeing the big picture of how vast the police and FBI facilitate members of Tikkun Olam's human trafficking organization to remain free to kidnap and murder- again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Det. Jacob Sparks and Det. Jeremy Sparks are heavily involved with Human Trafficking and Murder and protecting the serial killers that torture and kill for Tikkun Olam ideologies. The detectives are of Jewish bloodlines- do a DNA warrant and learn- the Ottawa County Prosecutor in Michigan Lee Fisher is genetically related to Janice Hooker's second husband- get DNA warrants on each and every police detective and D.A. detective and D.A. and County Prosecutors and begin to view the big picture-of everything notable. Law enforcement on the detective and prosecution levels are of Jewish bloodlines and/or members or heavy supporters of Tikkun Olam values- they just do not want to reveal motives and DNA facts when they are in-charge and the victims are not. The general public is brainwashed a message of Politically Incorrect equals Incorrect and most in the general population remain prey to Tikkun Olam. A human trafficking organization with detectives, police, judges, prosecutors, human service workers- as members and/or on the payroll whereas "the authority" is ensuring the criminals remain unprosecuted to continue with people trafficking. Unfathomable. A very clear pattern- often the police detectives and FBI involved with the human trafficking organization will purposely prosecute a scapegoat to allow the real criminals to remain free to kidnap and sell and murder for the group.

Inquire to the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigations):

Janice Hooker under an assumed name: Georgia- 2022 Georgia Plates RXV 6727 (Janice Hooker) Buick Enclave, darker, newer. 



The American Government abducting, drugging, and stealing and murdering is the greatest cold war started by America and the United Kingdom-England. Offensive and unforgivable are the torturous crimes on a mental-emotional and physical level- if you are a victim of Tikkun Olam. The DOJ and Ottawa Co. Sheriff's detectives and the Kent Co. Sheriff's detectives and the Grand Rapids, Michigan FBI and the Grand Rapids Police knew back in  April 1964, that in fact Cindy Ann Stob Vander Ark- under a fictitious name and a provided nurse uniform by the FBI- abducted Baby Paul Fronczak- and never returned the infant victim. Why? According to Jacob Sparks and Jeremy Baum- Tikkun Olam needed or wanted Cindy to continue committing break-ins and entering of homes- murders in hospitals- more abductions into slavey- more murders- more sales of humans- and the American Government did. If you live in America-you may want to keep reading and reviewing. Police that work for Tikkun Olam will often "lose" the police reports so no tracking of their criminal activity is recorded- or solved- or prosecuted- it is a clear pattern of behavior by the police- and the US DOJ looks away!


GET DNA WARRANTS and notice a striking DNA pattern. Detective Jeremy Baum and Detective Jacob Sparks of the West Michigan Ottawa Co. Sheriff's Dept. are of Jewish lineage. Then, the other striking DNA reveal- the Ottawa County Prosecutor Lee Fisher "elected by the people of West Michigan-Ottawa Co." is genetically related to Janice Hooker's second husband. Janice Hooker is Cindy Appel's colleague/associate. Tikkun Olam places their people on voting ballots. Is it politically incorrect- shunned upon to speak the truth? Tikkun Olam is rooted in police and politics through membership to the organization- or associated through religious views and values. Tikkun Olam buries investigations and reports- to continue committing crimes- only when pressured by the public outcry will Tikkun Olam locate a scapegoat, but never actually solve a crime properly with no second or third eyes on the case files Tikkun Olam buries for the sake of their ideologies. The Ottawa Co. Sheriff's Dept. in West Michigan has had from 1980-1984 actual wooden boxes built by Chuck Vander Ark- Cindy's first husband and skilled builder that built human box coffins for torture of victims and head boxes-exact to what was displayed in 1984 at Cameron Hooker's trial. Tikkun Olam is a huge enterprise of criminals and government mix. The Ottawa County Police and Holland Mayor have told me numerous times that my abduction to adoption and abuse suffered as a victim of Cindy's will never be solved or prosecuted- Venus Dyke told me as have numerous other Ottawa County and Kent Co. detectives over the years.


The criminal behavior of the American Government is the catalyst for World War 3. The American Government believes that my exposure of information about the American Government is the catalyst for World War 3, and in December of 2022- the American Government took down 65 pages of information off my Amazon Author Pages. In the years 2008-2011, I wrote a manuscript I titled, I Remember Heaven Before Earth , and published the manuscript in 2012. In 2018, I opened this website of information on why, not if, but why America is the catalyst for World War 3. Such information I believe the American people are entitled to know and realize-the American Government and mainstream media strongly disagree-and believe the pathway of knowledge increases the rate of reaction-precipitating World War 3, just like the book Uncle John's Cabin  created upheaval and the Civil War ensued.


Government involvement with civilian criminal activity is difficult to eradicate-both sides of the criminal field understand unity to defeat an opponent or opponents. In the summer of 2014 my husband and I purchased 10 Altar Rock Ct. NE, Cartersville, Georgia 30121 with a land lot size of 1.23 acres in Rowland Springs Estates, phase II, from Jew Mark Stevenson a real estate developer and broker. In 2020, Jew Mark Stevenson decided to steal a half acre from me, dwindling my lot to .73 of an acre. No offer of compensation, no offer of compensation to this day, just pure land theft. Jews see what they want and they take it, and the American Government facilitates the Jews taking whatever they want to take and steal. I noticed  in 2020, Jew Mark Stevenson sent out land surveyors in 2020 and then had Bartow County Officials record the land theft in 2020, making the illegal, then legal, like my husband and I and other landowners in phase II of Rowland Springs Estates are native American Indians and Jew Mark Stevenson is the American Government with an absurd notion, disturbed entitlement to steal land when we bought and closed on this house on 1.23 acres in 2014. Jews never stop amazing me with what they do with the American Government. Jews also are never ceasing illegal criminal acts upon me and others. Keep reading and reviewing. You are thinking, well, that's illegal, just sue the Jews and the Government, get the other landowners in phase II that were violated in Bamford and Mark Stevenson's land theft to join in a lawsuit. You are thinking that can't be, that's illegal, but land theft is exactly what Jew Mark Stevenson and Jew Bamford did in 2020 to me and many other landowners in phase II of Rowland Springs Estates. I am not going to file a lawsuit and utilize court systems in a corrupt region. I want the president of Israel placed on a cross and stuck, staked in my backyard if what is rightfully mine is not returned by October 31, 2023, with Jew Bamford and Jew Stevenson on the left and right of Benjamin Netanyahu, three crosses erected on the backyard land portion stolen from me in 2020 and recorded as such by USA Bartow County Officials as "official". FUC# lawsuits. I want them on crosses, and rightfully so by October 31, 2023!  When I see them on 3 crosses if my land is not returned, I am going to burn the crosses on my land once full. Then for the sake of justice for treating me and others in phase II like Native American Indians with no rights. I want every Jew, I want every person within their Jewish criminal network on a cross and burned alive. Examine 2012 plat maps for Rowland Springs Estates. Bartow Co. officials are very confident that no one from state of federal government will ever investigate their land thieving-including the theft of my stolen wallet, cash, drivers license, social security card, credit cards and SUV broken window at Cartersville, Georgia's Pine Mountain when the Jew David Holifield of Rowland Springs Estates and his wife asked me to hike with them on Saturday, November 28, 2015, Thanksgiving Weekend, over $56,600 stolen from me- and they continue to try and get loans and credit with my social. Milsap's detectives (Mark Mayton) told me in 2015 that it will never be solved and the Holifields' (12 Aaron Lane, Cartersville, Georgia 30121) and their pharmacist Jody Lee Smith (male) who apparently is the Jewish organization's pharmacist (State of Georgia Pharmacist License No. RPH021646) for Tikkun Olam- will never be apprehended- Holifields' tried to kidnap me by trying to get me into a white van in the parking lot of Pine Mountain- I fought back and was able to escape.  A year later in 2016- the group is rumored to have done the same to Heather McDonald- only Heather McDonald did not escape. Male Jody Lee Smith 28 Aaron Lane, Cartersville, Georgia 30121 (of Rowland Springs Estates), Smith is a Pharmacist licensed by the State of Georgia RPH021646 fits the drawing description and silver mini van of another girl of similar appearance that was abducted out of  West Michigan from a convenience store- 2013 Jessica Heeringa- Exxon gas station in Norton Shores- prosecutors support Tikkun Olam- just like the Delphi Indiana Murders 2017- prosecutors will make another guilty so that the organization of Tikkun Olam can continue undeterred to abduct, drug, and murder Gentiles. The media will cover a story based on what prosecutors and detectives deem as sufficient evidence to convict- no questions.  April 25th, 2018 Joseph James DeAngelo became and was dubbed the scapegoat for the real Golden State Killers-  Ric Vander Ark (Richard Craig Vander Ark DOB: August 2, 1955), David Lee Vander Ark and Michael Allen Vander Ark and their biological mother- Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel-still active, and allowed active to continue murdering in the name of Jews-and a large human trafficking organization operated by China + Jews + DOJ. It is all so corrupt- Washington D.C.- financially supports Tikkun Olam- and spits on the graves of the victims so that Tikkun Olam can continue to kidnap and murder, America is at the epicenter of committing crimes. All of Jim Appels natural-biological adult children and their offspring belong to Tikkun Olam- directing + committing crimes against Gentiles. According to Jim Appel- NATO countries are the greatest financially supportive of Tikkun Olam and offer the most civilian and government assistance for Tikkun Olam to carry out the organization's crime against Gentiles. Politically Incorrect- but true.


To bring out the truth about World War III is a shunning process by those who do not want the truth if the truth contains politically incorrect material. Perhaps that is why the "Politically Incorrect" movement began in the early 2000s and stronger as 2010 rolled around. Who is Jim Appel again? He is a prominent member of Tikkun Olam- so much so- that Delphi Indiana-Carroll County Prosecutor will not arrest Jim Appel. Jim Appel is the recognized gruff older voice saying "down the hill" that went public in the Delphi Indiana Murders of Valentines Day 2017- the moving day for Jim Appel as he moved from Delphi Indiana to West Michigan that weekend of 2017. Ric Vander Ark and Ric's son Jon Vander Ark assisted Jim in moving- and much more- they brag that Tikkun Olam is so well-structured with paid prosecutors that support actions of Tikkun Olam-they brag they will never get caught. Too big of a criminal enterprise to apprehend by state or federal authorities investigating and prosecuting Tikkun Olam? Apparently so- my kidnappers remain free.


******I do not believe for one moment that my son's broken bones that required surgery was a Bartow County School District accident- I think it was purposeful- deliberate- as was the date my son sustained his injuries at South Central Middle School-the day Joseph James DeAngelo was arrested in Sacramento, CA on 4/25/2018. No one at any level of Georgia government- made an arrest! South Central Middle School in Emerson, Georgia immediately changed names to Red Top Middle School- and swept the criminal altercation under the school rug.


Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel


Cindy’s DOB: December 13, 1934, Grand Rapids, Michigan


Cindy is alive and very active with crimes, as is her third husband, Jim Appel. Cindy often brags about murders, kidnappings, and other horrific crimes committed by their organization that have gone unprosecuted. Cindy and Jim Appel go to church to camouflage their deceptive double life of crimes-and then attend church- to camouflage to a broader society of unsuspecting people-their victims- so no one in the community and the world suspects them as major criminals-same goes for the police and police detectives and Judges and prosecutors. Cindy and Jim Appel often travel- not staying in one place. Judaism-the Dutch Christian Reformers (CRC)-and the Baptist (in Georgia/South) are major criminal players, enablers, and financial supporters to the organized crimes since the 1950s- all believing-with congregations of believers that Jesus of long ago- died on a cross over 2000 years ago to forgive them of their sins in modern times in the past/present/future. Jesus' blood on an ancient cross killed by others is the crutch and core belief of the evil that persists with no questions asked of others-unfathomable widespread horror that continues to this day! When will it end? When? Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel has been plotting and murdering with Jim Appel during a duration of over 60 years! Janice Hooker, married Dave Stager in the 1980s, good friends of Jim and Cindy Appel, Janice Hooker became Melody Stager, and is connected in crimes to both Chuck and Cindy Vander Ark in 1975-1984, Chuck built wooden coffins and torture head boxes in Jenison, Michigan that were displayed in a northern California courtroom in 1984. Ottawa Co. Michigan is so saturated with DNA Jews on a mission to murder as many Gentile races, with the conspiracy between detectives and murderers, to evade jail.


OMG. When will transparency rule the day? Bold vision- Create a policy of law that each individual on American soil- visiting or residing, must and shall have their DNA tested and tattooed on their body- visible. No compliance would mean the individual would not be able to enter public places. Hire guards of all public places to end what DNA Jews have done to society- they have created plagues of ongoing murders that remain unsolved or scapegoated, not by one person, but an organization of Jews that have infiltrated every aspect of society now.  


Cindy Appel is very active in charities- from meals-on-wheels to the Jenison Thrift Store- where the store profits go to buy Bibles! The ideology taught and revered that Jesus and the forgiveness Jesus ushers with religious beliefs are culturally sacred to most in West Michigan- and many in American subcultures with a comparative slogan of "I heart Jesus." All of Jesus' works- from scripture passages to written and accounted miracles are written by authors- never first person- never recorded by Jesus himself- as the conquerors and the powerful wrote and recorded history. Others translate to find meaning in their own actions and ideologies- with great political support from the culture that rules- deciding realties at a cost. Murder and theft to Jews and Christians are commonplace. I say and write that without promotion of any other religion. I say and write what most will not. What I have noticed is that "religion" is empowering people who are criminals-at-heart to feel an entitlement to murder, to steal, to kidnap, to commit a silent genocide of innocent unsuspecting people, races, and then the criminals fall back into the cozy strings of the wool sweater knitted by a community of believers that share a common core religion of forgiveness as the central theme and/or that they are "chosen by God."  Cindy Appel is often referred to as the SNL "Church Lady". Cindy Appel will laugh like an old lady, talk about bingo, let you know she sings in the church choir, and let you know everyone that knows her in church. Church affiliation for Cindy and Jim Appel, like their friends (Janice Hooker) in murder circles organized by DNA Jews to murder Gentiles of certain races, is about "believability" to not have committed the acts of kidnappings and murders they brag about, switching conversations from murder to bingo to church choir in a matter of hours. The church camouflage is so believable- from their mannerisms- to the dress apparel- their complete demeanor- not an inkling of guilt seeps or pulsating nervousness- creating the perfect deceitful web- so that their prey remains calm- no matter the situations, no one could believe the duality of their lives-or missions. The ideology in the churches, is a unity of believing that Jesus' blood on a cross over 2000 years ago, saves them all of their sins they commit. They all believe that Jesus died on a cross to forgive them now, in the past, present and the future. A conglomerate cult of murderers, that laugh at the notion they belong to a cult of Christians directed by DNA Jews- that work with them- in the name of Jesus. It's so sick and real. It is not twisted beyond untwisting. However, it is a large unraveling.


The Ark of the Covenant "Van Der Ark", is a box encased of real gold with gold arch angels, a coffin, my young deceased remains, when over 2500 years ago I died as a small child at the hands of jealous Jews. The ancient Jews of long ago knew I had connections to the heavens- and massive powers on earth. They carried my remains around- as a power source- but my young soul had already gone back to heaven. The Jews knew I would return, and in their religious ways- thought they were prepared to be good, but Judgement Day would come back to earth.   


Ministers - Doug Kamstra (A Dutch Jew) work behind the scenes in the criminal organization that view Christ as a source to empower the criminals. The Dutch Jews in West Michigan and the Netherlands are the most active in leadership and directional arrows towards Germans, Dutch, Polish and Russians, whom are their primary target of behind-the-scenes violence and disappearances that go unquestioned and rarely investigated properly. This truth is "politically incorrect". Many truths are so politically incorrect that the actual truths are tossed out. Tikkun Olam hires English, Dutch and Germans as front people to walk away with a Dutch, German, Polish or Russian child or infant- I know this from Cindy Honderd-Appel who has worked for Tikkun Olam since 1960. The Madeleine McCain unsolved case of Portugal> the Ottawa Co. West Michigan detectives are furious with me for mentioning so many truths. Millions of disappearances from around the world are linked to adoption agencies- especially Bethany Christian Services-worldwide operations. Then, each state in the United States has ongoing working contracts with Bethany Christian Services as a means of power and disguise, diluted legalities. America looks the other way- others do not. Tikkun Olam members feel they have an entitlement to take, harm and molest and own a child for the duration of a victim's lifetime. CIA John Brennan is very heavily involved with human trafficking-and that is why NBC's detective Paul Holes and other authorities get away with crimes- unnoticed. Boldly, U.S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, act like camouflage.  


Cindy lives in West Michigan with Jim Appel at 709 Waterview Ct., Grandville, Michigan 49418. Cindy’s cell phone: 1.616.457.2036. In 2022, and 2023, and in 2024- Richard John and Julie Biesiadecki II at 53 Roberson Drive in Rowland Springs Estates, Bartow County, Cartersville, Georgia 30121> Rick and Julie Biesiadecki have called my husband's cell phone and the residence here, warning my husband Ed that I am going to be led away and murdered by a Bartow County Sheriff for what I have disclosed about Cindy Appel, Janice Hooker and "Dave" and "their organization". Rick and Julie operate over 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam, bragging about an organization that organizes and kidnaps and murders Gentiles. Business Communications- 

23 January 2024


Please scroll down and read this entire message. A major player and organizer of kidnappings, sales and murders for Bethany Services aka "the company" aka "the agency" with sister branches carrying out crimes against the Gentiles under varies secluded names and titles as "Tikkun Olam" or in the South- "The Baptist Association" run by a Jewish couple that are not Jews by religion, but are Jews by race and DNA, Jews that plant and embed themselves in Gentile territory only to criminally take and rob and kidnap and murder is Richard John and Julie Biesiadecki II that moved into my neighborhood of Rowland Springs Estates in 2020. Julie is related to Jim Appel, Cindy's third husband. Rick Biesiadecki brags, as does Cindy Appel that they murder Gentiles across the board and organize the kidnapping and sales and murders of the Gentiles to increase the number of Jewish bloodlines on this planet by decreasing the populations of other races. The American Government tolerates Jews murdering others for the simple motive of a person being a non-Jew bloodline? Actions speak volumes. Jews operating law departments see to it that none of this points back to them? It does. The Chain Reaction of other countries towards the Jews is almost inevitable. I am not a spy. I am a victim. The American Government corruption scandals stories (yes, plural) has been aired overseas-information derived from my website here, a brewing mess the American Government refuses to clean-up, due to the American Governments' saturation of NOT admitting the many wrongs committed wholeheartedly by the American Government- and the criminals they employ! Rick Biesiadecki continues to call my residence with hurling death threats at me for exposing all this exhausting information. Richard John Biesiadecki shouted as I walked in the neighborhood that all Germans will die and shouted that he operates over 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam to decrease the Gentile populations and increase the number of Jews.


Rick and Julie Biesiadecki live at: 53 Roberson Drive, Cartersville, Georgia 30121, Bartow County, GA, since August 2020- They told me that Janice Hooker is a Skinwalker and can transform into a red wolf when talk of murder is in the air- planning and plotting of murder for Tikkun Olam. Cindy Appel in 1976-1982 told me that same notion about her friend and business associate in crime- Janice Hooker, now known as Melody Stager since Janice Hooker married Dave Stager. Rick Beisiadecki operates over 60 chapters of Tikkun Olam. Rick Beisiadecki bragged that Sheriff Clark Millsap of Bartow County, Georgia and Sheriff Ron Freeman of Forsyth County, Georgia are Jews through DNA, planted "ant workers" so he and Tikkun Olam are not caught and prosecuted for any murder committed by their group- a group Jim and Cindy Appel belong to- and are very confident they are protected from prosecution on American soil with so many members- including Indiana, Michigan, California, Texas, Arizona, New Jersey, the list goes on and on. The innocent people killed by Janice Hooker goes on and on. Cindy told me in the 1980s, that Janice Hooker is now going by the first name of M-e-l-o-d-y after slicing the vocal cords of so many screaming victims. OMG. Cindy Appel is very convinced Janice Hooker will never be caught!


PLEASE NOTE: Rick Biesiadecki (a Jew by DNA) is calling my residence and my husband's cell phone all of January 2024 because Cindy Appel is now being investigated by the authorities for the Fronczak case, Rick Biesadecki is telling me that I am going to be his next victim if I do not shut-up about Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker, who are members of their criminal enterprise-organization. ******My son and husband really do believe that I am going to be murdered for what I disclosed, due to the fact the criminals are super involved with corrupt police (Bartow Co. Sheriff) and FBI- and have made that known to us. Rick Biesiadecki told my husband in January 2024 that he/Rick is going to order a sheriff to arrest me, lead me away and murder me and that I will never be found and he will never be charged-ever. VERY BOLD LANGUAGE from Rick Biesiadecki. Why are the Jews giving me threats? Why do Jews threaten my life? Investigations are heating up!!! Thank-God for my resilience, my strong German backbone!!!! Stop threatening to murder me!


Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more





  1. 1.

    freedom from disturbance; tranquility.

    "you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion"






    peace and quiet

















    freedom from interference




    • ​

  2. 2.

    a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.

    "the Straits were to be open to warships in time of peace"


    law and order





















    • ​

    • ​

    • ​

  3. ​


Peace means societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups. Wikipedia

PEACE SUGGESTION: Immediately demand through governments around the globe that each and every person has their DNA tested and categorized in a world lab. Anyone in any country or community that has a Jewish DNA lineage should be deported to Israel to live amongst other Jews of their same nature and allow for peace to exist in most parts of the world. Jews can focus on Israel and not harm the Gentiles.


2023 READ MORE, GET INFORMED, WARN OTHERS ABOUT THE CRIMINALS, THE CRIMINALS ARE HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. Presidential VP Kamala Harris is having an affair with Ric Vander Ark, and has for over one decade. Ric Vander Ark is my non-biological brother and the real Golden State Killer. Ms. Harris "finances" many of his murder excursions- and has promised him an escape if ever prosecuted. In the young history of the past couple-hundred years of America existing in the form of a government on this continent, has the American Government ever apologized for creating the Trail of Tears? Or ever apologized for creating slavery upon this land? How about running up a financial debt ceiling that is both irresponsible and dangerous to others? Billions are spent by Congress to have the police exist and do nothing that is even close to public safety- not even in the slightest bit. America is a land of buyer beware? Certainly an irresponsible government that depends on your tax dollars for growth of enterprise. Jim Appel is the recognizable voice saying "down the hill" on the cell phone recording that went public in the Delphi, Indiana Murders. Cindy was moving Jim Appel's clothes and furniture from Delphi, Indiana to West Michigan, with the help of Ric Vander Ark and his son Jon VA the weekend of Valentines 2017- Cindy confessed- and VP Harris covers.


The Jews in local, state and federal governments and agencies are protecting the DNA Jews in the front line committing organized covert crimes. The truth is considered "Politically Incorrect" and therefore tossed out? There is an undeniable, visible complicit societal structure seen by victims in how these criminals are able to operate above and under the radar between the lines of religion and government and their mission to eliminate Gentiles so successfully over the many hours, days, weeks, months, decades, + centuries, NOT stopped by governments, barely even questioned by you. Overtly society in charge of the masses have prescribed to a notion for the Gentile victims, the victims of no Jewish bloodlines, that politically incorrect statements are more measured than the actual truth when extracting information. America giving Israel military weapons would only result similarly as USA giving arms to Waco. A complete larger disaster, just like what goes on behind BCS.  


* If one was to contact the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office located in West Olive, Michigan and indicate that you believe with facts that Cindy Honderd-Appel, formally known as Cindy Vander Ark is a uncaught criminal, each detective will disagree wholeheartedly, no mater the hour you call, or the day or the week or the month, or the year, or most surprisingly of all, no matter the decade, the detectives will deflect for Cindy, their beloved Cindy that carries out kidnappings and murders for Tikkun Olam/The Agency/The Company! No one investigates Ottawa and Kent County, Michigan- to the advantage of the criminal organization I just mentioned. Russia is going to wipe out Tikkun Olam.


I am publicly requesting that the Central Intelligence Agency send to my husband and I, a hard-copy real estate offer, not an electronic format, but rather actual paperwork to purchase 10 Altar Rock Ct. NE, Cartersville, GA 30121, sent FedEx or UPS, an offer of $1,050,000 (one-million, fifty USA dollars) or above. Once my husband and I accept the real estate offer to purchase, we would request 10% earnest money down, close in 30 days, possession of home within 5 days of closing on home. Send now. I am also publicly requesting that the CIA will to me> Israel. In addition to my requests, the country/nation that produces gold coins with my likeness minted on one side of the coin and the head of a Lion such as seen on the Knights Templar's fortress exterior once seen in Acre, Israel, minted- engraved on the other side of the gold coin will become the wealthiest country/nation/kingdom on earth. You do not know this fact yet, but I do. Jesus said, "Jews in a room = a den of thieves!" Jews constantly- throughout history- cause damage and strife and harm and murders, what was Hitler and others so mad about? Plenty! Banish Jews from harming others! Banish Jews from this earth! 


*Do not allow anyone to enter and buy groceries at any food place without first having their DNA branded on their arm or chest- so all people visibly can see who enters grocery stores. Those who do not comply with DNA branding will be banned from purchasing groceries!


* February 2024, I received a written offer from an FBI agent to purchase my residence at 10 Altar Rock Ct. NE for $650,000. I declined.


Dr Phil- Go to a website I created. Private Adoption Institutions that work with the American Government, brainwash children into believing they are not missing, when in fact, abductions-to-adoptions are commonplace in America, where children are being brainwashed after displacement. Institutional communities where predators dominate is somehow acceptable in how American society operates behind closed doors, and publicly victims are shunned, allowing the perpetrators to dominate the issue, and society is the silent bystander. Jail predators! However, I highly doubt the Jews operating Oprah and Dr. Phil behind-the-scenes, would allow this information to circulate through societies.


*Seven Million sealed adoption files will be opened up of 7 million missing and vanished children sold to Bethany Christian Services. The files will open-up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The government of Michigan will be crushed, removed from committing anymore abductions-to-adoptions. The opening of the sealed adoption files will ignite a huge rippling of change upon the earth. The lawyers blood will flow into the Grand River, and be seen from above. Massive change. 


* The American government is a Jewish government- for Jews alike.


Dick and Betsy DeVos are Jews by DNA standards. Their Children are Jews by DNA standards. Dick and Betsy DeVos are very good business associates with Cindy Appel and Janice Hooker. In 1993 Dick DeVos owned a portion of The Gold Club in Atlanta, Georgia with New York's Steve Kaplan and Jerry Seinfeld. Sex-trafficking was their side occupation- and the covert human-trafficking genocide projects of all races with the exception of one- the Jewish race- is big business for Dick and Betsy DeVos. Many Jews involved with the genocide of pure-bred Dutch and German infants and children and adults, imbed themselves into the communities where they murder. Dick and Betsy DeVos pay-off police stations in West Michigan and Indiana and Georgia and California to not incarcerate those that murder for them- and Jews involved with Tikkun Olam/The Company/The Agency. I will never be sued for slander- the Jews know it is true and can be proven.


There are two things that brings Jews together; Money and the murder of Gentiles. The Messiah comes from the line of David. Do not allow the Jews to take a picture and turn the facts around- like they like to do. God knows. God knows what the Jews and the Jewish supporters at Calvin College and West Michigan and Israel and the Jews in Hollywood are all about- no good. The organizations of Jews, by DNA standards, stretches far and thin across the globe. March 2024- I received a birthday card and 5-page letter of confessions from Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel, stamped from San Antonio TX 780 Rio Grande District 24 FEB 2024 PM3 L. Cindy and Jim Appel are staying at 600 Enterprise Lot #515, Rockport, Texas. Cindy stated that the Jews want me dead, and Ottawa Co., ordered that she, Cindy, murder me, but that she could not get her hands on me, because I would not open my door in October 2023, and therefore, the ordered hit on my life did not occur. Det. Jacob Sparks and Lieutenant Jeremy Baum and Det. Sara Fillman, are Jews by DNA standard that operate in West Olive, Michigan, targeting Gentiles of no Jewish bloodlines. I know about the Jewish murder groups that target unsuspecting Gentiles in the world- and the network of Jewish mayors and Jewish FBI agents and directors that keep the Jews off the radar and out of jail to murder again and again. 


March 3, 2024- Dirty Jew By DNA standards Rick Biesiadecki at 53 Roberson Drive sends one of his live-in cult members, a grey-white haired slender White old male with a grey-white beard driving Rick Biesiadecki's dark blue Mazda SUV at 12noon on Sunday 03 March 2024 right into my cul-de-sac, a cul-de-sac with only two houses. The old man gets out and urinates on my lawn. Why? For what purpose? Then he gets back into Rick Biesiadecki's vehicle and turns out of my cul-de-sac and heads back to 53 Roberson Drive, where Rick Biesiadecki and his cult members shack-up in cult bliss. If a truth is negative in connotation, does it make the truth less truthful? Antisemitic can be very truthful, truth holds the most value- even if negative in regards to anyone standards. Jews want the truth gone. Truth is valued. Richard John Biesiadecki II, told me to my face as I walked on Roberson Drive in Bartow, County, Georgia, USA, Rowland Springs Estates, in 2022, that he is a member of Tikkun Olam to grow the numbers of Jews and murder is how he does it.


"They" are all connected in business to Janice Hooker, a.k.a. Melody Stager and her second husband Dave Stager. "They" are kidnappers and murderers involved with a huge human-trafficking organization selling Whites into slavery, sex-trafficking $ through Bethany Services. Key factors- "they" belong or are affiliated with a church or a synagogue. "They" are middleclass, "they" present "themselves" overtly as people within a community that you should trust- often having "their members" to back them in all accounts. You should run the opposite way! Run as far as you can! I know so much because I was kidnapped by "them" "they" "the organization". If you are a lawman and you require further details about my kidnapping- you must contact the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., and ask for the FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray- he will tell you the details- or Wray will have an FBI subordinate supply you the FBI report/box. If you can stomach the details! Interview the FBI.


"The Dutch Room" heist artwork from the Boston Gardner Museum in 1990 can be located in one of King Alexander's castles in the Netherlands. His biological Jewish Father- unknown to most- remember King Alexander's biological father is not the late Prince Claus Von Amsberg. I want no monetary reward from the FBI, and King Charles of the U.K. can confirm "The Dutch Room" heist artwork is with King Alexander, as King Charles has laid eyes on the artwork himself. King Alexander will never allow the FBI to locate what his biological Jew Father and lover to the former Queen of the Netherlands Queen Beatrix wanted and then stole for her/Queen Beatrix from the Gardner Museum in Boston. Rather, this is just an F.Y.I., just like all the information posted at my website, noting many notorious crimes the FBI "allowed" throughout history are solved behind closed doors- but never prosecuted. Historical heists throughout modern times have been and were committed by members of a Jewish criminal organization calling themselves, "Tikkun Olam". A king or queen- by right of their own country's virtuous law- cannot be charged and prosecuted with any criminal act. King Alexander is my biological half brother- maternal side (Beatrix). Claus Von Amsberg is my biological father. I was kidnapped as a newborn marked "stillborn" by a Jewish organized criminal group connected to adoption agencies preforming worldwide genocide projects calling themselves members of "Tikkun Olam" whom have masterminded many heists throughout history. The base of operations for Tikkun Olam is Israel- just ask CIA operative Bob Baer- or Midwest native and now NY literary agency owner- Irene Goodman- both are criminal business associates and friends to Cindy Vander Ark (now known as Cindy Appel). I was raised by D.B. Cooper (Charles Vander Ark Jr.) and his wife Cindy Stob-Vander Ark, now known as Cindy Appel of West Michigan 616- the number or mark of the beast? Detective Jacob Sparks and Det. Lt. Jeremy Baum at the Ottawa County Sheriff's Dept. in West Olive, Michigan are very familiar with Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel- and the many murders and kidnappings she has committed for the Jews- and the Jewish cause of Never Again, and because of their Jewish loyalty to Tikkun Olam- nothing will be solved- as Cindy Appel continues to receive- as other Jews receive-criminal prosecution immunity- is a noticeable complicity trait at every level of American Government. Shame! The most solvable crimes committed by Tikkun Olam members remain unsolved- or scapegoated. The Mainstream Media will not even utter the organizational name "Tikkun Olam" as the members work underground and behind-the-scenes in everyday live situations to eradicate people and races of non-Jewish DNA. The ceaseless tragedy that people of Jewish bloodlines protect human rights-and crimes of people with Jewish DNA- and other races should not have human rights protected- are reinforced by Jews in power. Gather DNA warrants for proof of my accurate claims- to prove without a doubt my knowledge of events that have taken place and relationships. For accuracy- please make sure Jews are not overseeing the DNA results or testing or closing cases inaccurately! The American Government- the Netherlands- and Israel- are operated by Tikkun Olam- a Jewish criminal organization overseeing power positions and the continued bloodshed of anything and everything that is not Jewish, or somehow not related to a Jew. America supporting Israel's genocide of everything "not Jewish" cannot possibly end well. Visit online for more information the FBI really does not want others to know about the FBI at:

*King Alexander unapologetically will never return "the Dutch Room" artwork to the Gardner Museum- his biological mother- and my biological mother Beatrix- the former Queen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands- feels that the artwork belongs in the Netherlands- property of the Netherlands, and the Gardner Museum of Boston knows this fact about the collection of stolen artwork-just ask the museum director and curators of the Gardner Museum of Boston- inside jobs are never solved- in fact, just ask FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray! The proof is in the evidence. Mr. FBI Asher Wray is a Jew through DNA, not religion. FBI Asher Wray's DNA does not want this information investigated, why?




*Edgar Cayce predicted "the 5th Root" would become the new civilization on earth, and the former civilizations would pass. A new earth.

Jews posses within their DNA, "Demon DNA" and therefore want none of this solved. Investigate- thoroughly, completely. American Senators- American politicians- do not want Netanyahu arrested by the ICC, why?  



*The State of Michigan has until April 15th, 2024 to send me a sincere apology letter and restitution via FedEx or UPS, not snail mail. Without deadlines, nothing would be accomplished, does the American Government agree with me? Compliance on agreed issues surfaces?


This is obviously a manifesto from all the victims. Victims the American Government, Israel, the Netherlands, and China wanted silenced-forever. To glean further information on this subject matter- please interrogate two DNA jews involved with higher American Government- CIA Bob Baer and CIA John Brennan- order DNA warrants to learn who and what they are and why they are involved with the CIA- motives and missions- please question them separately. Their answers with arise more questions from the interrogator, and just when you thought Jews in government could not be corrupt- you'll understand the big picture.


Cindy Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel and her family have told me that Russia and the British will bomb America before anyone notices, before any of her crimes will be solved, because America is so corrupt. Cindy told me that China and Israel can make any request to any Governor elected by "the American people" and always, the elected Senators and Governors and State Representatives operate for China and Israel, digging America into debt and murdering Whites of non-Jewish Bloodlines through the FBI and Bethany Services- human-trafficking greenlighted programs since WWII, it is why WWIII is now. Once Israel has wiped out all the Whites of non-Jewish bloodlines, aided by and conspiring with Communist China, China is going to eliminate Israel. All the while Israel with the aid of America is trying desperately to fortify Israel and expand Israel's land and power. Have a conversation with an Asian today- on American soil- in Cartersville, Georgia or Peachtree Corners, Georgia USA or China town in NYC. Asians are very confident that the American government and American people work for them- and that they are superior- as they create American sounding business names as front companies, such as McKinley Homes, to illegally convert Chinese money into the USD, to then conduct take-over of land in America, Canada, and Central and South America- this continent- and assuming based on their experiences that most Americans and Hispanics are too stupid, or do not know what is really going on to eradicate the problem, that is why WWIII is unpreventable- based on American and Chinese and Israeli behavior towards others.


America has well established one-way ally relationships with countries such as China and Israel. China and Israel benefit from the relationship- and in turn- are not really an ally to America. The American Government- including the U.S. President at any given time has an inflated optimistic viewpoint, a viewpoint of ideologies sprouting from not accepting the facts as they are- in real time, that one-way relationships, business or personal, are never long lasting. South Korea has a one-way relationship with America. South Korea uses America to market and sell Kia and Hyundai vehicles to turn profit for South Korea. What does America sell in South Korea and what does America profit from in Asian or Middle-eastern countries? Exactly my point. Many countries America refers to as "an ally" is in actuality, using America in a one-way, one-use relationship. America is the friend, the ally, to ally countries that use. A good business relationship is a win-win, a mutual relationship of gain, wealth, reward.  


As of 23 March 2024- Cynthia "Cindy" Ann Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel is still alive, very active in bragging about all her murders, all her kidnappings, all her thefts that the corrupt American culture and corrupt American Government allows her to commit towards innocent, unsuspecting victims in the past, present, and future. Cindy Appel can be reached for comment via text or conversation at 1.616. 457.2036. Cindy Appel has one address in Texas (trailer), and one in West Michigan (condo).  709 Waterview Ct., Grandville, Michigan 49418 (condo). And trailer lot #515 at 600 Enterprise in Rockport, Texas, 78382. 


*FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray is diabolical- 10 April 2024- Mr. Wray does not want any of this information investigated- nor does Mr. Wray want any crime or conviction of a crime re-examined under new light. Mr. Wray wants dust to collect on the unsolved cases and no questions asked of his FBI closed case files. Question: Who put Mr. Wray in his powerful position "to sit on cases"? The Jews and supporters of appearance/education/university/resume, without asking too many questions- probing questions- it is no coincidence Wray's DNA is Jew.  Jews as an organized network of Jews and those who work for Jews target with premeditation- Innocent Gentiles! Jewish networks plot against innocent babies before the baby is born! I am living proof! Jew Wray states "Cindy Appel has committed no crimes," and Jew Wray would like no investigation to state to the contrary. Do you understand why the American Government does not have sustainability? > Jews. Question: Is it the systems created that are at fault? Or is the failure of justice delivered or never to be delivered, not a problem of the system itself, but rather the people within the system? Namely a Jew network. Examine the systems, re-investigate, gather DNA warrants, now! But no one within the American Government is rational to realize quantum change. Darwin's theory- concerning Jews in Governments? Time. 


*SEEKING USA President Joe Biden with the US Marshalls to arrest Cindy Appel and purchase my home, no later than April 15, 2024, 5pm, details mentioned above!!! Without deadlines, nothing would be accomplished in this world. Every government, every company, every school, and in real estate, implement pertinent deadlines and agrees with me. Deadlines are a necessity! Send offer UPS or FEDEx asap, now!


*In 2021, Detective Sara Fillman from the Ottawa County Michigan Sheriff's Dept. told me that the FBI had sent out a memo. Fillman informed me that the FBI continuously sends out memos since 1980 to all police departments across America, not just in Michigan, that if I contact them (the Police) about an organized criminal group referred to as Tikkun Olam, or report any crime I may know about, to chalk it up as nonsense. Who appoints the FBI Director? The President of the United States. In 1978-1980 in the Foyer of Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church located in Hudsonville, Michigan, Cindy Vander Ark introduced me to Irene Goodman who went onto found and run the Irene Goodman Literary Agency (NYC) standing next to Irene> was Janice Hooker, T-H-E Janice Hooker. Janice Hooker since the 1980s, after her husband was sentenced to 104 years in prison, goes by Melody Stager. Cindy Stob-Vander Ark-Honderd-Appel told me in the 1980s, in church, that Janice Hooker goes by the alias M-e-l-o-d-y for all of the screaming Gentile's throats she cuts in front of watching Jewish spectators. Cindy told me, as a precautionary measure of the group, each FBI Director appointed by the U.S.A. President is a member of Tikkun Olam, to ensure no jailtime.


ALL OF THIS INFORMATION has been provided in a very timely manner to the FBI, GBI, and a multitude of police stations throughout America. Is it the systems that pose the biggest threat as a failure to civilian safety and matters of justice? Or is it the people within the systems that are the failures? The corruption levels are staggering within governments! The incompetency of duty due to poor genetics is equally and overtly staggering within governments. Most notably; certainly is the obvious pattern problem the American Government, Israel, and the Netherlands- those in power positions in those countries created of a genocide of certain races of people- all because they could and did and still do! It certainly is not a failure of communication on my part- I communicated. A cultivated mess? It is something for sure- without a doubt. I am not mistaken. In August of 2020, Rick and Julie Biesiadecki moved into Rowland Springs Estates at 53 Roberson Drive in Cartersville, Georgia 30121. In 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024- Rick and Julie Biesiadecki constantly call my public home phone, saying to me that the FBI and people in the neighborhood are just furious with me for posting this information. Sheriff Millsap- why are Rick and Julie Biesiadecki and Janice Hooker not arrested yet? Are you hoping the intimidations work?


Why do Americans, like Europeans, accept bad behavior from Jews? Social conformity is the glue-work that establishes socially acceptable behavior based on which ethnicity groups and organizations rule order.

Read-watch this CNN news clip from March 2024:







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